*but this action wasn't an action from an experienced player!
this was only stupid and the comment also!be careful with words like "accidents can happen"
*Dear hater ? thank you for juging my words so carefully. Please note that I did not post the words here - they are a legend to a picture - to EXPLAIN -
if you dont like them please just leave it where it is. ThanksNow saying that, i'm sure you didn't mean to hit him in the face, and it was purely an error on your side (ie. no malice intended).
Some people pretended my mistake was intentional - I m just trying to explain how this happened. I recognize my mistake by holding my mallet up but after all - fuck it, nobody is gonna convince me that i m also responsible for the other player s speed.this beeing said
good night
PS : after playing for 2 years I dont think you re a beginner anymore -
First :
*right im serisoult going to fuck you moderators up, im not fucking jjoking, its out of order. fucking autocratic shits!!!! i hate children, yeh edit this twat *- now this is fucking hilariousSecond :
exactly, did apples tell Marc and Luis that the netto vs. apples result should have been different? no, we just accepted the call, carried on playing, and lost. shame we lost, but we lost. end of.I see your point Gabes - and I ll make this clear here and now even tho I m not sure of what s beeing discussed here -
The day that this happened - the stupid ball joint rule was beeing followed; the goal ref called a goal because he didnt consider the 3 seconds of game before the shot - and I took literally 2 seconds to look at the time / Gabes balljointed and shot without me beeing aware of this - Considering the rules that were used - once again a stupid one that WILL be changed / and or modified - that should not have been a goal - unfortunately the goal ref considered his duty was only to see if the ball passed the line (which is totally mistaken - he should make sure it s effectively a goal AND a goal that respected the rules) Anyways so because I wasnt aware of that move, I trusted the lifted hand of the goal ref but immediately was contradicted by someone claiming it wasnt a goal - I then asked Gabes who was honest enough to admit he had broken the stupid rule -
All Im trying to say is that refin is not an easy thing - that s why it s a proper and central task in sports - also consider good faith and honesty because Polo is supposed to bring people together and maintain friendships - that s exactly how and why I met all of you guys !During the Euros I yelled at Slamm for a decision he had taken - cause I didnt get it and I felt it should have been the other way around - I was wrong - the ref is the ref that s it !
Absolutely no offense. Just read and remember.
Everytime I assisted a tourney, I thaught it was the best time ever. And everytime it keeps improving. Taking part to the organisation an seeing all the smiling faces makes me not only very proud but also very happy. Despite drunk heads, violence, accidents, rules, refs, courts, rush, no sleep, netto snoring, beeing sick past week, making sure everyone had a place to sleep, Marc and I managed to play. We did our very best on and off court. Marc said it : we maybe organized it but all of you made it happen.
Monday throw ins from 12 till 5 with Cento Agata Conos Braley Netto Malice and all the Germans was loads of fun. No wheelie no goal - John tried so hard. "I can feel it, give me the ball now!"
*sometimes your the meal, sometimes your the dish, either way polo goes all the way to the kitchen' *
Fair enough but you guys sometimes push it to the level of anger - (Oh and me too )
good idea.
Wise words prick :-)