Nah, and I hear they've been cutting staff over there.
Top Gear is filming on location and the society I work for has a few antique weapons (muzzle-loading elephant gun, anyone?). It would been fail though, as the weapons we have have been disabled. Though the elephant gun is so substantial it would be a simple task to bludgeon someone to death with it.
Not that I've ever done that. Ever.
Jeremy Clarkson and the rest of the Top Gear crew, at my workplace, about 20 metres away. I would have killed him in the head but there was a thick pane of glass and lots of production assistants in the way.
If it had been James Martin I might have made more effort and dug out one of the firearms from the stores...
I'm sure you could hire one for the day at HH.
London Phoenix folk hired HHV last Saturday afternoon from 2pm (after the training sessions). Not sure how much it would be though you'd have to hire it asap if you wanted to get in a session before it closes for the winter. There's rumour of it not being open next year cos of problems with the track surface in one area.
me too. my sentiments exactly. i hate people. alright. i hate commuters en masse. all of them. me included. fucking sheep. slouching through the streets, shuffling their fat fucking feet, drinking their fat fucking mocha frappe latte sugar fuckers, wolfing down fat and sugar wondering why the fuck the 20 minutes they spend on a cross trainer set to walk doesn't fucking do anything. fucking idiots. fuck them. fuck all of them.
Though you might like this....
I almost got taken out by a pedestrian by KCH, in Denmark Hill yesterday morning, who had run across the road from the bus stop. The guy riding in front of me did get knocked off, taking one of the pedestrians with him. 'But you were going so fast!' was her defence. Well, don't run across the road without properly taking in to account that a cyclist going downhill is going be somewhat alacritous.
I untangled the cyclist from his bike and fortunately he was ok, more angry than anything. I was impressed that a paramedic from Kings appeared within seconds of the collison though. If you're going to be knocked off your bike by a pedestrian, outside Kings is a great place for it to happen.
So many people don't look when crossing the roads; in some cases they make a point of not looking. Has anyone else had a pedestrian look up, see you, then walk across the road anyway, staring at the tarmac? This seems particularly prevalent around the Victoria area.