I was talking more about the out-of-focus/in-focus diptych thang you got going on
Yeah that would be depth of field.
It was low light I had no flash, the aperture was wide.
the diptych was for the blog post it was taken from.
http://sibleyphotography.tumblr.com/Re read your comment, the photo as taken by a friend who is not a photographer, hence the out of focus first shot.
so that's who you are.
been on the look out for any fixed riders in fal for quite some timeAye thats me. I have been skating more recently because my bikes just not practical sometimes.
Who are you then fellow cornishman?[/QUOTE]
most recent photo of me online
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkxdg2O1DY1qesd73.jpgand my name is sibley as you may have guessed.
From the Falmouth street party
There is me in the mask with the big face hiding behind my friend sam...
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/231096_10150160132373775_773213774_6841564_6119596_n.jpg[/QUOTE]so that's who you are.
been on the look out for any fixed riders in fal for quite some time -
i currently have a k-mount to eos and a M42 to eos adaptors both cost les than a fiver from ebay, neither have af comfirmation and are essentially just solid metal adaptors with no contact points.
both still allow focus to infinity which seems to be an issue some come across.
there is a hell of a lot of cheap "old" lenses on ebay so its worth having a play about.
anyway back to Film..... -
Agree with this ^
surely if you want to use old glass you would just buy an adapter ( I have and it works) for a DSLR like this,
They are cheap as chips and the only usual issue is that you lose focus conformation, I cant really see there being a calling for using 35 mm bodies with a digi sensor, but maybe that's just me.
Also down the road from me.....
It has a moat and its even furnished with four poster beds!!!
and there is a first world war battlement with guns.(probably dont work.)
some of the 18-pounder cannons do though..
Kept him(?) out
thats sick^
I forgot about this thread.
A Few recent ones, we started up a little blog down here in Kernow as we weren't to keen on mixing skate stuff with our work stuff.
im not sure if its a faux pas linking it but here it is anyway.
"Flickr talk" ?