Hi Girls & Guys.
I will be riding Surrey Hills on Saturday. Leaving at 8am from London Fields area. We can pick other riders up on Putney Bridge just before 9am if anyone lives that side of town and is keen. The ride will include Box Hill, Ranmore, Leigh Hill & possibly Picth Hill. We can encourage each other and stop for tea and cakes at the top of Box Hill. The long rides tend to be challenging and fun at the same time.
Keep upright!
James, I think the bike shop in sheen does regular turbo sessions (well they did do a few years back). I can write you a few session plans....I think you would be better off in the comfort of your own home rather than sweating through some poor buggers floor. By the way is this a weight loss idea or an plan to improve performance?
Hippy, nice wheels. What about CORIMA'S?
Double or nothing?