a couple of things....
organic food is not toss - it's scientific. It *IS *better for you and *IS *better for the world.
It isn't scientific, it's a lifestyle choice, which does have some favourable consequences with regard to livestock conditions, but these can be achieved without going "organic".
THe only foray science has made into organic food are:
-Studies funded by the soil association which show marginally lower risk of food poisoning in organic food
-A more comprehensive assessment showing no apparant health benefit of organic produce: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/real_food/article6731910.ece (direct link on site)You are saying that our human, bacteria like growth is ok and the food world should bare the brunt - nonesense. you are right, organic food farming has much lower yields but this doesn't translate directly to less food for mouths.
How does lower yield not correspond to less food for mouths? Lack of argricutural land, future water scarcity/overabundance, and population growth mean we need more food from less land.
With no significant benefits, Organic food can only be detrimental, in much the same way as the push for certain biofuels lead to land for food being converted to land for fuel, and thus to food shortages last year (and also large scale deforestation: 80% deforestation in Malaysia since early 90's to plant palm oil plantations for biodiesel)
road bikes are the next cool thing. Ever since vice put that bike as a "don't" in their student guide, is cool to ridicule FIXIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, but this is a good thing. Fixed gears have saturated the streets to point that the bells such as vice readers try to become subversive in their trend setting,
The irony is that they are not subversive, rather they swallow whatever the vice zeitgeist brings up, and adopt it to the letter.
I'm new to fixed gears, and I'm happy to be dipping in as all the wankers fuck off.
I had a shitty bike, it doesn't matter what, for years as a kid, and it never failed on me. Then one day a friend of mine had one go on it, did a wheelie and the front wheel just fell off and rolled away leaving him to land on the forks and faceplant into the concrete and his chestplant onto the handlebar.
His dad never let me come round after that. I must have ridden with it loose for a while before that
If you can't prove anything, you cant prosecute.
If there's no evidence of driving without due attention, then they can't say he's *probably *at fault because he's an LGV and she's a cyclist. THe pressence of blinds spots, which are aparantly unavoidable, lifts the responsibility from the driver for collisons in these areas.
I've heard that LGVs can be fitted with sensors in the blind-spots around the vehicle which alert the driver. If things like that were mandatory by law, then perhaps there would be less ambiguity in such cases.
i don't know how christianity has become a fashion accessory. i really don't. i'm not religious in the slightest but, is nothing sacred? i don't even know how it's cool. it's not.
You decontextualising, it's particulaly an american phenomenon. Jay-z is greek orthodox and 50 cent is CofE, he was on rowen williams' podcast.
Be careful to avoid embarrassment among your English friends. ;)
And 'any' future embarrassment? Your conversations don't seem to be very wide-ranging if this covers it all. ;)
"Am Montag bummele ich gerne mit Deiner Mutter auf dem Parkplatz herum."
This is a strange thing to do, even in Germany.
You're a bit too German for me. I'm out
What's that supposed to refer to?
«Oui, un petit peu.»
If you wanted to translate Greasy's French into German, it would mean: "Ja, ein klein wenig." or: "Ja, ein kleines bißchen."
«Oui, un tout petit peu.» would be: "Ja, ein ganz klein wenig." or:"Ja, ein ganz klein(es) bißchen."
Thank you for helping me aviod any future embarrassment amougst my deutsche freunde
can you tell me if these people are contractors or product suppliers (or both), please?
hopefully the latter.many thanks.
They're weekend cannibals, stay away!
Honestly I have only read the opening post and title.
I remember reading the following logic froma report on cyclist deaths/injury stats:
-Women cyclists are far more likely to be involved in traffic incidents.
-But Men are far more likely to take risks, where as women tend to obey traffic code more.
-A large number of accident occur at traffic signalsConclusion: Men who jump the lights when there's no obvious threat avoid the rush of cars at green signal, where as women get chewed up.
women ride safer, but cars don't
willing to split?
edit: beaten to it