Right was talking with Marek last night and we need to some work on getting some new people involved, there is already lots of things that Nes has set up like the site I've linked that we could do with updating and promoting. Its a shame to let it go to waste because its fucking brilliant.
We've been playing till it gets dark, which is getting later i guess but not sure what time its been last couple of weeks. Monday's would be better but if you can only do it on a Thursday then I'd still come whether it'd be instead of or after some polo. The chorlton park summer series will be 3rd thursday of every month so as long as it doesn't clash i think it would be cool but saying that maybe they'd work on the same night but you would have o check with Lewis on that one.
We're not getting enough people turning up regularly to play 3 times a week. We need to reduce the times we play so we get everyone together at the same time, not a half the crew playing one night then the other another. Only until we get shit loads of people on the scene will we be able to play every other night. How about doing a night of promoting/flyering and a mess about to fill the early week void?
can you use it to link directly to the wordpress site?