friend of a friend was stopped for RLJing. She was told either she had three choices: either she goes on a safety course for cyclist (ie climb into a lorry cab) or she takes a £30 fine AND 3 points on her license or she goes with him to the station.
Whether or not she could be given points on her license it was definitely used as a threat.
In, although may well arrive late
- Bernie
- 50/14
- vélo libre
- joe smith
- Roymund
- Balki
- dicki
- middleofnowhere
- dublinkevin
- mmccarthy
- Sniffy
- winston smith
- BrainBreaker
- Clever Pun
- Aleksi
- Bearfoot ( advice by the doctors due to a lack of vitamin G)
- hillbilly
- Clara
- Mr.Drunk
- thebaldbuzzard
- Jester
- betty
- Kirth
- henrycollie
- stevo_com (if only just to up the Irish contingent)
- Clockwork_killa
- izgard
- Bernie
Definitely IN
- Captain Velocibeard (in spirit)
- ScurvySeaGav
3.Bearfoot (aka Long Foot silver)
4. - dubloon dicki
- mashtonrubbishpiratepun
9.flintlock_killa - Long John H Silver
- Oooaaaark Minor
- D. Gibbet
- DeadMansHand
- middle o' nowherrrrrrrr
16.- skydansarrrh
- tom kaaaaaaaaaaaa&e
- Spudgermetimbers
- spyboat
- ScurvySumo
- Sea Fox
- Nenugnewa-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
- Marauding Magpie
- Edmundrowrowrowyourboat
- Izgaaaaaaaaaaaarghd
- Captain Velocibeard (in spirit)
I want a bike for Christmas...