a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
TOTAL £2,518.17
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- Velocio - £20
The following rollups are next on the agenda. (Black ones will be done as soon as the fabric arrives)
- Sniffy - coyote outer, neon pink inner
- Superprecise (black only)
10.steves - dark green outer, neon pink inner
- socialamnesia - I'll wait until you have black :) ( i need to speak to you very soon about the daddy mack details)
- Bobby Dids (would love the dark green in the pics!)
Hugo7 (outside any colour except pink or orange)
Frankie_j - Dark Green (or Navy ) outer/Coyote Inner
Slangen - Dark Brown Outer - Dark Orange Inner. (small loop)
Mick Annick - red outer, red inside
Habbi - black
- Sniffy - coyote outer, neon pink inner
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youdonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10 (1183)
46 middleofnowhere 20 (1203)
47 aroogah - £30 (running total £1233) - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20 (running total £1253)
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20 (total £1413)
- Sano - £22.13 - all that's in my paypal account! (total £1425)
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
Total - £1775.50
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Velocio - £20
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youdonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10 (1183)
46 middleofnowhere 20 (1203)
47 aroogah - £30 (running total £1233) - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20 (running total £1253)
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20 (total £1413)
- Sano - £22.13 - all that's in my paypal account! (total £1425)
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
total - 1645.50
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Velocio - £20
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- Velocio - £20
NEON PINK/YELLOW/NEON GREEN... provisionally sold
- Team Tweed Run: Teddy, Jacqui
- Team BlueQuinn: BlueQuinn
- Team tweele (coppiThat + Charco + Dov)
- Team moleskin: (Edmundro + huge16 + Clara) - poaching attire preferred
- More Tweed, Less Speed (snowy + go! ellis)
- Team Dada (Miss Deirdre + veLLo...)
- Team Wast - PGM, Spins, cake
- Team Cotton (Cedywedy + Thelilstar)
- Team Stuff (stix + fluff)
9.Team Clarion (Digger + Kate + Hovis Brown)
10.Team Penny (Kat and Charlotte) - Need for Tweed (Psy + members to be confirmed)
- Tweed Racer (Mr Andrew + Missy V)
- The horse and hound (6pt + drunken workmate)
- Team Habs (habbi + lucy)
- Team Dweebs (jess + neoone + nathaniel + abigail)
- Team Tweed Run: Teddy, Jacqui
- Team Tweed Run: Teddy, Jacqui
- Team BlueQuinn: BlueQuinn
- Team tweele (coppiThat + Charco + Dov)
- Team moleskin: (Edmundro + huge16 + Clara) - poaching attire preferred
- More Tweed, Less Speed (snowy + go! ellis)
- Team Dada (Miss Deirdre + veLLo...)
- Team Wast - PGM, Spins, cake
- Team Cotton (Cedywedy + Thelilstar)
- Team Stuff (stix + fluff)
9.Team Clarion (Digger + Kate + Hovis Brown)
10.Team Penny (Kat and Charlotte) - Need for Tweed (Psy + members to be confirmed)
- Tweed Racer (Mr Andrew + Missy V)
- The horse and hound (6pt + drunken workmate)
- Team Habs (habbi + lucy)
- Team Tweed Run: Teddy, Jacqui
Chris Hoy and Lizzie Armistead on the Saturday. Was just looking at the Revolutions series for a return trip... http://www.cyclingrevolution.com/content/en/championship_home.aspx
the curtain backdrop reminded me of this