No one gets to have his or her beliefs or views ring-fenced from criticism, contempt, challenge, agreement, praise or even humour.
If you are offended by mockery you will simply have to suck it up unfortunately, especially on the internet - more so on this shameful excuse for a forum.
So shut your pie hole.
Who said anything about me being offended?
This isn't about me being offended, because believe me, I'm not. I just think it's pretty pathetic that some bonehead always has to get on the attack with the same old childish jokes any time the word 'vegan' is mentioned. If it was in response to some self-righteous animal rights knobhead spouting pro-vegan bollocks and trying to convert people, then I'd understand. And if people were responding to that with reasoned, intelligent argument or genuine inquiry, instead of childish arsebiscuits, then maybe it wouldn't be so pathetic...
trials riding is often pretty incredible!
incredibly ugly, yes.
stopping and hopping and bouncing and stopping and hopping is so fucking boring no matter how high up it's done or how narrow a ledge it's done on
give me a fast as fuck bmx street link any day... i almost ejaculated (in a non-homoerotic way) when i watched me mate hop to manual the ledge next to woolworths, then manual all the way down to marks & spencers, 180 down the steps straight out of the manual, fakie all the way down to the body shop. it was beautiful. not ugly like trials riding
What a bellend... if you work in a bike shop and publicly slate any kind of bike riders then you're a bit of a ballsack really. Even if you didn't ride fixed, your best friend, your brother, your girlfriend or someone else you love/respect might... that's like working in a pub and saying 'people who drink carling are bellends, they must have no tastebuds, or they must be tramps because they can't afford better lager'... insulting your customers is not a particularly good way of going about business...
However, if he'd said that trials riding is an ugly form of bicycling, completely devoid of flow and rhythm and smoothness, and should be banned and all enthusiasts shot, then he'd have been spot on
I do love olive oil, probably as much as I love coffee. I was bought a selection from Spain - 6 or so tiny bottles that must have been about 50ml - of high quality oil. I can't remember where it was from as it was about three years ago, but the stuff was lovely. Each bottle was a different colour and had a different flavour and body. Colours ranged from a fairly dark green to a very bold gold colour. Flavours ranged from delicate and floral to bold and nutty to strong and peppery, but not bitter. Of course, I didn't have them with food, I just drank them so as to enjoy the full flavour. Yum! Can anyone recommend some good olive oils to try? Preferably not huge bottles.
^^ Hope that fella was ok.
I seem to be a magnet for hairy moments, but have luckily managed to always escape unscathed.
Today was another one of those moments. Poets corner, small heath - the big hefty roundabout where the mosque and train station are.
Traffic was relatively quiet and I was able to dominate the outer lane in proper primary position like a car. Aimed to pass straight over, signalled with a big massive arm sticking all the way out. Two cars were approaching at speed (like always) from the road I wished to pass. I expected them to slow at the last minute like always, so cautiously continued straight ahead continuing to clearly signal. I knew I was fully visible to any driver that was at all looking.
As I passed NEITHER car managed to slow before entering the roundabout, both aimed to go straigh over like nothing was coming. They BOTH did a big long screeching skid right up to me, I was totally bracing for impact and ready to roll over a bonnet or two.But I narrowly escaped being hit by both cars by veering to the right and accelarating a bit. (was my town/cruiser bike so tricky)
Its shit like this that really makes me want to wear Hi-Viz & a helmet always. Not that itll make a difference to those who dont look, but the fuckers will have no excuse when they cause a collision.
MessenJah posting (I was permanently logged in but I logged out to let pastryface log in, and now I've forgotten my password):
This happened to me last year, but with lorries. Then it happened again with a car, and I actually had to stop because she wasn't going to stop. She even had the fucking cheek to mouth off at me, dunno what she was saying because the window was closed, but clearly I shouldn't have been 'in her way' and no motorist should have to stop for a cyclist...
Are these Kamira stovetop things any good?
I was desperate for some coffee yesterday and bought some Lavazza 'Qualita Rossa'. Little did I realise that this must contain Robusta beans, because nowhere on the packet does it mention '100% Arabica' as some of the other packs do. Turns out it's really horrible bitter stuff. I could have obtained better coffee from Aldi, much cheaper! I've never particularly liked Lavazza but I definitely won't be buying anything else from that brand even the higher quality stuff.
Ben, you should use a different username for your Tube8 account ;)
LOL that is such absolute bullshit it doesn't even deserve an argument