tbh going to this website http://software.bareknucklebrigade.com/rabbit.applet.html and banging in your details is a much handier way of calculating gear inches and the like.
for what it's worth, i ride 48 17 which is a lower gear than your proposed one and i wouldn't go higher, as it takes a fair bit of zip from you.
Look at this fucking hipster ... dot com
i remember some gimp i knew showing me this website and i nearly puked. not because of the jokes on it, but because of why anyone without their head buried in the sand would think it was worthy of comment or entertaining. why wouldn't you just listen to the black dog instead?
the question posed in this thread is the same as asking what is a racist. i thought this forum was about bikes.why preoccupy yourself with what is a cunt? they're cunts. they have no relevance to an actual individual, despite their apparent similarities, and they have no redeeming features. they're better left ignored, or have the shit kicked out of them.
hey all. it feels good to finally be out of the nursery! so my girlfriend is coming over to london for the weekend and would really like to have a decent bike to knock around on from saturday to monday.
does anyone know if it is even possible to rent a fixed gear or single speed bike in london? a road bike would do also, but the only place i've seen renting them does it by the week and generally for triathlons. cheers for any help.
also if anyone has a spare bike they wouldn't mind renting/lending, i can assure you it will be well taken care of. pm me if this is a runner.
I tried to move over, but had visa problems. I couldn't get one.
How are other people managing this?
as far as i know you can go over on a visa waiver scheme. irish people definitely can. basically, you can stay there for 3 months without a visa, most jobs in nyc are cash in hand anyway so they won't be able to trace you. the best way to do this in order not to arouse suspicion is to book a flight a week or two after your arrival, and then change it when you get there. worked a treat for me in '06. i am irish though and i think there might be another arrangement with the brits.
well lads and lassies. i'm mark. i can't remember whether i've posted here before, but i have certainly gleaned some on the ball and appreciated advice some time ago when i got into fixed gear riding. i've just moved over from dublin to study in goldsmiths and am looking forward to getting into a bit of group riding/boozing with a few sound individuals.
hey there. my bianchi pista should be arriving in the next few days and those decals will be coming off as soon as possible. is it advisable to avoid getting paint stripper on any particular parts of the bike etc? for example, is there a danger of damage/dissolution of grease/lube in the bb/chainline or hubs?
what role does the blue tape at the base of the seat post and the headtube/toptube join play in those photos? i wouldn't have thought they would be especially sensitive areas.
also, it is the case that there is no other finish but polished metal under the clearcoat right?
yeah i was just on their site there. they look like grand hybrids. i sent them an email asking whether they rent our roadbikes. ah sure as long as she has something to get around on we should be ok.