Fuck me, that was difficult:
Search Terms: simply spray fabric spray london
1st Result : http://www.theclothshoplondon.com/index.html
Yes, i googled it before but I wanted to find somewhere within zone 1 and that shop is in wood green.
The whole popint of them is that they are NOT ELASTIC.
a fixiewixie rider cannot exert any more force on one than a freewheeler, belt drive is already proven in the SSmtb world.
Yeah, they should be tough as old boots. orange are currently testing downhill belt drive prototypes. imagine a geared belt drive bike...
my man at Specialized says yes it's real and it'll be released in about 3 months. Also that it may not be sold in the US but... if people create a fuss, i'm sure they will a la Bianchi USA and the Pista (love that bike).
I'll be getting one for the tarck, in order to be laughed at, which I will turn into fuel :)
3 months as in with the 2010 batch of new models? can't wait. what else did he tell you?
I need it by tomorrow otherwise i would have got it off ebay.