Dear Father Christmas,
I think I've been a fairly good girl this year, and some people haven't been good at all, so maybe you could bring me a new wheelset and the people who steal nice wheelsets don't deserve any presents this year?
I'd really really love some white Blackjack rims and double-butted spokes (all silver apart from one black one in each wheel) and Condor Uno hubs. I think someone in Stoke Newington will have some for sale secondhand soon so you could get a bargain. Plus I think my friend Kat would really love a new seatpost and saddle this year, and all friends are very upset and they should get lots of presents because they've all been good too.Thanks Father Christmas.
Kate x x x xAwww
it was locked with another bike... i went outside to unlock the other for my mate, then we got involved in a really really heavy conversation for a couple of minutes - i got distracted and went back inside. it wasn't locked! two minutes later we noticed it was gone - we could see from where we were sitting!!! :-(
I've got one to add to list :-(
My nice white fixie with orange-striped tires was nicked outside the pub on the park in london fields a few hours ago. it's not posh but i love it, ridden it loads around london over the last six months, and even to germany via belgium a coupe of times. bought it second hand and am no bike geek, so i can't rattle off too many names of the various bits, but here's what i do know.. . .
(I can't recall the brand of the tires, but I guess I'll find out Monday when the bike shop opens)dirty white bar tape, white specialized seat.
frayed nylon straps.
left crank much shinier than right as i repaced it just last week.
the wheels are a bit too small for the frame / forks, which is why it has no brakes.
there are mounting brackets for a couple gadgets on the handle bars, though.
drop handlebars, a bit on the skinny side.
don't quote me on these, but i believe i had 47 teeth on the front and 21 & 18 tooth cogs on the back.
i don't recall the make of the rims, but the rear is a fair way off true. they're both shalllow (if that's the right word for not deep)short version: white frame/seat/bar tape, bright orange tires
see y'all at brick lane in a few hours!!!!
if you see someone on this bike, yell "oi, tom!" and if the dude doesn't respond, open fire. ta!
Got a bag of goodies been gathering dust in my cupboard for weeks/months/years that needs a better home. Every part has a story, ie this is not a bag of loot.
Do i hear 40 for the lot?
p.s- we're across the road from Haggerston Station near Dalston