A few weeks ago after my back wheel finally gave up on a sunday afternoon i had to head down to BLB for a new wheel and ended up with a nice shiny silver Velocity B43 on BLB own brand hub rear wheel.
Its a lovely wheel but to be honest a bit bling for my taste (but it was all they had built a 5pm on a Sunday) so if anyone has a black version or something similar like H+Son rim and would be interested in a straight trade then let me know.
Will try and post some pictures in a few days once i get my camera back but its only had 3 weeks of light use and is in pretty much perfect nick.
It's something i have always wanted to do but have never actually had the nerve to but has anyone ever caught a lift off the back of a passing pickup/white van/bus/convertible like Michael J Fox in Back to the Future?
The temptation is always there especially when the legs are tiring but apart from it being dangerous i bet the amount of abuse you would get from the average white van man is pretty high!
Anyone got any good stories?
I would happily pay the £3 for a year, even i won't notice that leaving my account and i am a tight arse Scot! Psychologically £3 is a lot easier to hand over than £10 even though i think most of us could still afford it. Is the amount suggested enough to cover costs easily or do we realistically need to give more to keep it going?
I think that most people who use this forum are quite into the scene and therefore will come back again and again so most would pay the dues especially if they are that low and the quailty of info and high end shit talking, banter and bad jokes stays as high. I like the idea of maybe allowing 10 posts for free before having to subscribe as there is nothing more frustrating than finding a good forum but having to pay straight away for something you may nevere use again.
As far as perks go i think it should be avoided if possible. My main reason for not wanting competition prizes is that i feel the impartiality and the honest advice/reviews that we currently get would be compromised by having to please 'sponsors'. My main point of reference for this was an MTB magazine called Dirt which when it first came out was the best biking mag on the market by a mile but as it became glossier and bigger some of the glowing reviews and coverage given to its preferred companies seemed pretty far away from the truth and took the shine of what was originally a breath of fresh air. I kind of feel the same about the discount at certain shops/companies for the same reasons (although it might take BLB prices down closer to what they should be!)
The same goes for having a subscriber only section, i think the whole point of the site is that anyone can join in easily whether they know nothing and have a question to ask or know lots and could make a positive contribution. It would be a shame if for example the rides section moved to subscriber only and folk who are just getting into riding could be excluded from meeting new people by not knowing what is going on. There is already quite a bit of Oldie Vs Newbie chat which goes on and i think this would make that worse.
Either way sorry if this repeats some old stuff but could not quite handle reading all 9 pages and if i log on tomorrow and am asked for £3 then i will happily put my money where my mouth is but otherwise i will carry on using and enjoying this fine forum.
I found nothing on a search for sargeant and co, i also did not know this place existed until i saw this thread and it looks like a cool shop. Will try give it a visit.
I have not been on the forum very long, neither has HOTPLATE going by the number of posts he/she has put up. Tika and Oliver Schlik are obviously veterans so if they have seen something before they should keep there 'repost' posts to themselves and allow the rest of us to use the forum to find out new stuff and ask questions. If having new blood on the forum offends the old timers sensibilities then i'm sorry, instead of a nursery for new members maybe we should all be made to sign up to a compulsory LFGSS Identity Card whereby we have to show reciepts for the first bike we owned to prove we have been riding for over 5 years, also total mileage ridden fixed, photocopies of spoke cards, total skid length completed and why not put our DNA profile on as well.
Morning rant over and long may the forum continue to be a fine resource for ALL who use her.
I got similarly wiped out the other week on Streatham High St by some woman turning off across the front of a van while i cruised down the inside. Got sent straight over the bonnet but fortunately landed in an empty side street and only got bloody knees (helmet and gloves to the rescue!). Front wheel though was tacoed. The woman was pretty nice (more shocked then me i think) and drove me and the bike down to HH cycles and paid for a new wheel then and there!
It was my first big crash in London, got away with it, but has made me far more paranoid about speeding down the inside.
Take the National Cycle route number 4. Follows the Thames from the middle of town then takes you through Richmond Park and out you pop through the Kingston gate.
It may not be the most direct route but it is almost completely car free (mostly tow path) and because it follows the river it is pretty flat too. Took me about an hour and a half from down Brixton way at a leisurley pace and sure beats being anywhere near the A3.
good thinkin