- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- coppiThat
I'm not going to be able to go very fast tonight though, as I will either be a) riding on a brand new tyre (hence too much lateral resistance) or b) riding on a bald old tyre (hence too much tangential resistance). And my front wheel is out of true. And my chain needs oil.
I'm worried my hair may be sticking up too much thereby decreasing my aerodynamic properties.
- Gustav
- Oliver Schick (spectating only)
- John H
- Sumo
- cliveo
- Tiswas
- Brucy (Laser Tape?)
- ashleyisdabest
- Hoonz - following Tweed run marshalling reccy.
- jimbilly
- Radius
- furious tiles
- jcgarcia
14.TT Tom with cider - Tao (Hopefully)
- allensea
But if I don't win, it's obviously due to problems with the chainline. :)
- Gustav
just get off your bike at the lights, walk over the line and then get back on the bike and ride
did that this morning much to the chagrin of the coppers on High St Ken this morning.
i think my cheery wave and shout of "happy dayz" went down like a libyan bullet on yvonne fletchers head
^ this. My favourite is when people 'run' red lights by hopping off, running through as a ped pushing their bike and straight back on without any real loss of momentum.
Me, I just sit and stare.
Came through Northchurch Road last night at about 10pm. Corner of Northchurch Rd and Southchurch Road had a section of the road closed off with a mangled women's bicycle on the road. Ambulance, several police cars. Saw a stretcher but no movement.
Passed on through after a quick look, not wanting to hang around. Certainly put much more of a damper on my spirits than the rain did.
Anyone have any details at all?
Edit: Updated location, got my intersections mixed up.
Slotting in at #36. Will be geared, fixie is in parts. :)
- Oliver DisSc hickt Line
- LoverpoolStreet23
- Howrad Michello
- cani Street Station
- MarlybOWEN R(ee)d
- mmccannon st.
- Crispiccadilly Circus
- Zane Chorleywood
- LaLiLuLeLondon Underground
- Truli's Hill Gate
- Simonw7sisters
- Fulham bROBway
- Mongrelybone
- Woolsden Green
- Latimmeehh! Road.
- Joebilee Line smith
- braker street
- richiembankment
- bikeS NOT ALLOWED destroyer
- 4Plaistow
- lardboyke Grove
- Par(ty_paul)sons Green
- Psy-cle Line
- Strip My Moorgate
- Middleofnowhereton Crescent
- JACKFLAshadwell
- SHAWditch...
- AlDgAte Place
- AlDgAte East (the boyfriend)
- victoria libre
- BlueQueensway.
- upstartminster
- St CrazyJames's Park
- blind dan (i can't really make a good tube analogy with my username)
- allensea
- Golders Hugreen ( and I mean that most sincerely folks)
- Kirtburn Park
- david H
- Nurse Holloway Road
- Hauska (+ Bird)
- timmy and the lords of the underground
- Chadwell
- Brother's Lane
- Mornington Crishen(t)
- Dalston Someday
- David Sexual Ealing Broadway
- Hanged_Upminster
- Crimphamson Junction
- Hakiney downs
- Ivandaterripol street
- StepAmy Green
- arniham common
- leystons888ne
- marcola
- KRingZ cross
- Skullyer's Wood
- Russellkibeats Square - First timer, whoooohooo
- Cutty Sarkthroat
- richokingsbury
- velogate.
- izgardam common
- Mansion Haus
- Actony Town
- bowroadieanddoyle
- Digstrict Line
- Antonzi
- Babarican
- kisu_shimo Green
- Isle of 2 dogs (now called Canary Whoof)
- EvansWare Road
- Afternoonington Crescent
- Rabroke Grove
- owee
- t-4003
- PontoonDuck
- St Juji's Park (might bring a friend too)
- Goldjawk Road
- Bayveoswater
- Marcabene
- R_dy
- mAIDA vale
- okwithmydecay
- High Street kattiepington
- yourtottenhamcourtroadlover
- CTML + 1
one of the things i like about this place is generally i dont have to treat others as if they are complete idiots
however there are a few exceptions to this rule
I mean people on the road in general. There is definitely some skill involved in spotting the ones that aren't very aware of their surroundings and giving them a large leeway though...
I've got to agree with Oliver on this one. I remember the best advice my parents gave to me when learning to drive - 'treat every other driver on the road as if they are a complete idiot'. This translates well when cycling too, just slow down and take it easy when things get hectic.
That said, I do enjoy being a bit of a cunt sometimes and flying past pedestrians on the left, leaving them stranded in the middle of the road facing oncoming traffic...