Riding to work and wondered why everyone was honking (their car horns) at me...
Appears my tyres are heavily defalted :(
Can anyone recommend an affordable mini pump? From reading the forum Blackburn and Top Peak seem the go... however where can I pick one up today? I am on Bishopsgate.
I can order this online:
Blackburn Air Stick Mini Pump 2009
http://www.parker-international.co.uk/400/Blackburn-Air-Stick-Mini-Pump.htmlWill Cycle Surgery or Evans Cycles let me borrow a pump? What happens when you don't have access to a pump, what do you do?
Thanks in advance. Apologies for total newbie questions.
I was looking at pitlock skewers however they cost £30+ for a pair. There are some pairs on eBay (Tran-X and ETC) however some reviewers mentioned the skewers snapped!
Could you:
a) secure skewer on front wheel only (assuming QR rear is locked)?
b) plain allen key skewer on front (or will London thieves still make the effort to steal the front standard wheels?)I have QR on front and rear and assuming this will last about 1 second in London...
In terms of mini pumps (that come standard with no connector):
Does anyone know if this solution is universal for all bike pumps?
Will any pump connector connect to any bike pump?