How many accidents ( involving HGVs mainly ), have been where there was more than 1 cyclists ? Ie 2 cyclists, cycling together or a group ?
Safety in numbers ?
- Commuting cycle points ? Like a temporary bus stop lolly pop signs, you meet up with fellow cyclists going the same route ? Cycle together... you dont have to, but it may make less confident cyclists happier and safer.... plus its sociable.....
maybe too much organisation.... but it works in my tele tubbie land head.
Basically, you cant generalise..... ive had old men in cars, cut me up, HGVs drive at me ! oh yes on purpose ! Doors opened.... blah blah...
Ive had lorries let me go, bus give me loads of room and chirpy van drivers.....I always try and communicate with all other road users when on my bike.... even giving HGV drivers the thumbs up when they look at me... so theyve seen me and i've made them smile.
Respect ;)
- Commuting cycle points ? Like a temporary bus stop lolly pop signs, you meet up with fellow cyclists going the same route ? Cycle together... you dont have to, but it may make less confident cyclists happier and safer.... plus its sociable.....
I get that on one foot occassionally.... I think mine are slightly too small.... I did buy them 8 years ago ..... i love them thou... i just unclip that foot whilst cycling and give it a little rotation both ways.... sorts it out..... I have high arches too..... rigid shoes are not good for high arches.