I used to deliver pizza for pizza hut on a moped in various areas, including Kingston, Croydon, Epsom, Surbiton etc.... and I have had the following thrown at me:
- full McDonalds Milkshake
- Rocks
- Footballs
- Ice
- Snow
- Bricks
- coins
- spit
- food
- a bike thrown into my path
most of which bounced off with no harm, but some took me out and I remember bouncing down the road being thankful to Pizza hut forcing me to wear all the padding.
Be careful there are some real cunts out there.
there really are, especially in kingston at the moment though. i never would have thought it but sometimes it can get pretty bad in town
- full McDonalds Milkshake
A rocket got launched at me on Guy Fawkes Night on the Aylesbury Estate once. I'm eminently pleased that pyrotechnics industry has not developed fine control systems on their products. A couple of nights later a friend of mine had a narrow escape from a catherine wheel. Seriously, who the fuck uses a catherine wheel as a ballistic object? Did they think it might imitate rifling?
a friend of mine got hit by one that came loose from the tree, it was at a fireworks night party in a vicar's garden when i was 11. raw.
so i was cycling to tesco about an hour ago and some clown threw an empty coke bottle at me from behind a wall/front porch! it was a pretty empty street and when i got off my bike and turned around to confront said offender, they had fled the scene.
i was pissed off because it bounced off my front wheel/fork, meaning the bit with the lid could have gotten caught in my spokes = road rash.
what a cheeky cunt!
anybody had a similar experience? forgive me if there is a thread about this type of incident!
yeah might deflect it, dunno
i saw watchmen last night. if only i was dr. manhattan.