Next project has some better airbrishing effects on the panels, there's a lot of metallic parts which I'm not really too sure on, might go for another approach and go for shades of grey (not doing NMM) but it'll take me AGES to do all that rather than slap leadbelcher and a wash over it all.
Brown areas will be yellow to match weapon casings across the rest of the army. I realised I have airbrushed the left shoulder pad blue/grey and it probably should be yellow too to fit in with the rest of the army :( -
Finished off this squad. First time using an airbrush for the armour (result is ok but could have been done better) and first time trying weathering/damage (very easy and looks pretty good, shame the photo doesn't really show any of it!). Airbrush made this a much quicker process to get the models done, but you can see the difference next to the ones I've taken more time over, these have less shading and less contrast between light and dark areas.
To get models on the table without spending weeks painting power armour is quite nice though.Tried out some different approaches to the skin, mixing up different base colours to try to get a range of skin tones and diversify 40k one marine at a time. Captain (dark browny plum base colour) looks ok, sunburned-looking dude off his shoulder actually looks ok too (reddish-plum coloured base), blurry marine at the back is middle-of-the-road white guy paint job and chap on the left is by far the worst.
Seems to be coming back in waves every few days… headache, sore limbs (particularly legs / hips), extreme tiredness and brain fog
Yep, since October been feeling as you describe. But never had any symptoms that made me think of covid until I went to the Dr and they suggested post-covid symptoms could present in this way. Blood test confirmed high level of covid antibodies suggesting a recent infection.
The Dr also said there was no correlation between severity of covid illness and post-infection symptoms. So you can get the latter without really ever actually being ill with covid, which appears to have been what's happened to me :(
Worth going to the Dr if only to rule out other things, I think.
Just got a delivery of Shipton Mill the other day. I get big bags of white and wholemeal, prices have gone up but I calculated the other day I'll get somewhere in the region of 65 loaves of decent sourdough from the two sacks I ordered which makes them less that £1 a go for organic sourdough. Plus we can have pizza, burger rolls etc for dinner if I'm organised enough.
Altra build quality
I haven't had a new pair of Altras in over a year. The uppers on my trail shoes (both pairs approaching 1000 miles) have worn through in the same place that every single pair of my running shoes goes eventually, think they lasted about 500 miles before wearing through. Road shoes have held up well but they have less mileage in them I think, but still a decent amount.
Newer models might have suffered in quality but the only issue I have ever had is the uppers wearing through by the little toe. I think that's a foot shape issue for me as my toe tends to press into the fold where the shoe bends in pretty much any shoe.
perpendicular to both walls and level
The problem you will have is neither wall is likely to be particularly square/straight or parallel to the other. Get it level (using a level) and as square as you can (by eye or using a square if you want to measure how far out it is), which will mean it's slightly off square at both ends but no one will ever come and check the angle but you will see it every day.
Where is the door to the room, this is where you will look at it from mostly, and where will you be when hanging stuff up? Figure out where you will look at it from and do the best you can.
I think there will be some of them I'd be interested in, marines definitely, maybe a couple of the tyranid ones but not too keen on collecting a whole CP (for some reason I'm not so keen on some of the minis even though I think they are a fun army with lots of thematic options etc), Votann, Orks, maybe some guard and some genestealers but none of the chaos factions interest me. Don't need any more cheap brushes or not-great tools and I already have an ok amount of paints.
Ideally you need a friend or two with non-overlapping interests to split the CPs (and cost) up and still get the bonus models etc.
Thanks for the brush and airbrush suggestions on here. They were passed on as not so subtle hints and Santa delivered. Been waiting to base some minis and give the airbrush a go. Might start with a tiny legions imperalis rhino we picked up a while back (mini of the month when the game was released).
Eldest got a Tau broadside battlesuit so I'm looking forward to helping him with that too.
I was never going to get the word association one, my lack of geographical knowledge of the northern counties and their various small towns and villages let me down there. But also I wouldn't associate sticky with the word they do.
1, 2, 4 & 5 were all ok. The fact that there was only one possible (and fairly obvious) solution for the first line of 4 made it a relatively straightforward logic puzzle but I take issue with 6 being described as "effectively binary" in the solution when it's not binary at all. The numbers in the clue are powers of 2 and that's the only link to binary. The "1s and 0s" part of the clue is completely irrelevant to finding the solution.
I looked at the solution for 7 and I still can't see how you're supposed to crack the code, maybe it's not a logical solution and just required trial and error and I CBA. Maybe the punctuation should have given it away - or at least a starting point?
Anyone who has solved it care to shed any light? -
kit list is tiny in comparison
This is what puts me off the Spine, I'd need so much more kit that I'd end up spending a fortune on a weeks holiday for me, and way more than we'd spend taking the family away for a week. I just can't afford or justify it.
There is definitely a bigger recovery window on these events!
Absolutely. I normally give myself a month after a 100 before I consider any proper training, just try to get out on easy runs if I feel up to it and maybe get back into the routine of running with some regularity but not pushing it. Just going through several nights with very little sleep is hard enough, add on the physical exertion of 200 miles and you've got a lot of recovering to do. Right time of the year to regain some weight though :)
You’ve got big plans there
Unfinished business after being ill and pulling out after 80 miles last time.
Awesome, looks a bit like they are angling for an event to compete a bit with the Spine. Tempted to sign up for next year, it work well with my plan to do Offas Dyke in Aug.
I'm in a similar situation to you and tend to do events with no crew or pacers. If you want a pacer for your next event, hit me up!
How are you feeling now after a bit of recovery?
I might be way off the mark with this, it's a long time since I did anything with JavaScript but does your use of indexof fail when there is only one number in the input string? As cyclotron mentioned an input of "1" and "one" should both produce 11, indexof will only find the first index and you need to also find the last index (which in this case is the same).
Bought some Aldi PB, thought I was getting a good deal as it was both organic and cheap (for PB). WTF do they do to that stuff? I tastes awful. Checked the ingredients and it's just peanuts and a bit of salt. They must just use up the old peanut dust from the floor of the factory or something. AND they only had smooth.
Yes! Love an Orc/Ork.