So what kind of coffee should she serve
I think the first thing to establish is how good she wants the coffee to be... is the idea to have better coffee than your regular pub? Or do you just mean 'how can three people running a pub serve coffee at all'?
If the former I'd suggest getting an electric grinder, buying in beans from a nice local roaster (couple in Norwich I think), and brew in a Technivorm Mokkamaster. It's a simple drip process requiring minimal training, you brew a litre at a time, takes 5 mins. Could even run two if it's within the budget. Stays serveable in an insulated jug for an hour. (Don't use anything with a hot plate!)
^ Really? Pretty sure every bike in this thread has been locked with a cheap/shit lock, or locked to something shit, or freelocked, or not locked at all (communal hallway, burglary etc). If anything this thread is perpetual confirmation that poor locks/technique will get your bike nicked in London.
Does no-one read this thread until their bike is nicked?
Most new cyclists in London won't come on lfgss and read the 'stolen bikes' thread before they buy a bike and a lock.
...[helmets] can protect you from a bad bruise, serious concussion or even a fractured skull.
Claims like the above could really do with some citation. I haven't really followed the debate for a few years, if it's been shown that helmets can prevent skull fractures that's pretty big news right? I'd buy one today.
Annoying glitch with my MBP – when I open it up it flicks to whichever program I wasn't using last, e.g. I'll be using Chrome, close the lid, open it up a while later and Spotify jumps to the front. Happens with whatever I have open so it's not program-specific. Sounds minor but it's super annoying, especially as it gives you a second to start doing something before it jumps. Any ideas?
Did someone do a ninja edit about their thoughts on Brooks ?
Are you thinking of this comment from the linked blog post?
nice to see an option, and a good looking one at that, but then again if you really care about being vegan, you're still supporting a company that uses leather like crazy
I kind of agree, I mean obviously I buy stuff from companies that make non-vegan stuff all the time, but Brooks do 'use leather like crazy'. Why not just make a synthetic saddle and not bother giving it the vegan label? Reckon they get a lot of requests from vegans?
does the sanction have the roll top enclosure?
/\ /\ No, flipping tiny and expensive too
This! Although most of the time I'm really into how compact it is. Before I was using a bigger messenger bag and it was so uncomfortable from the excess space and stuff just knocking around. Small rucksack solved that, can barely feel it on my back.
I mostly wish it was bigger for when I use it off the bike TBH. Not really big enough for a weekend away etc.
Oh sorry it's actually during the first three seconds. Set to full-screen and watch the peak up and to the right of the golden arches.