The problem is not political correctness, it's political interference in private affairs regardless of the standpoint of the interfering busy body. Thomas Paine identified the problem, and it's source, 150 years before Mao invented political correctness; the main action of governments is to promote their own interests, at the expense of the general population. One of the principal means used by governments to achieve their ends is to pretend firstly that there are great problems, and secondly that government action will solve such problems. Where authentic problems exist, they frequently originate from previous government interference, they are always grossly exagerated, and the solution to them invariably comes at the hands of common people acting with common sense, in spite of obstacles created by interfering governments.
Now, can I interest anybody in a lady cyclist...
can I interest someone in fancy haircuts...
...more dumbshitbusiness from the participants of the hypewave:
& the mudflapfender stunningly ugely! via:http://www.chariandconyc.com/?id=home
more hype idocracy:
all the fuckup via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/
Deep Porn V Balsa Wood Rims !!!
via: http://www.cyclingnews.com/tech.php?id=/photos/2009/tech/news/04-01/V_Zippicelli02
*via:http://www.rennrad-news.de/forum/showthread.php?p=1139431#post1139431mhhh fresh like good breakfast...
* -
something ethereal from the geared section. Cycle belonged to http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclomondo/