For me it's a no brainer saying watch out for a fucking massive truck. It's the left turning HGV message we need to push, so it would be better to allude to that and give a website for advice. And there might even be some people that have no idea what a 'HGV' even is.
im glad you are discussing this. Re the above - EILIDH WAS NOT ON THE LEFT SIDE, THE LORRY WAS NOT TURNING LEFT, SHE WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE, ON HIS RIGHT SIDE, IN FRONT OF HIM - she was doing everything as suggested in training, guidance, whatever. You cant trust these vehicles.
My point is Boris is saying get on your bike, its such fun and you are so carefree, but it is HE and those posters that should be showing the website that goes direct to the dangers to watch out for. The problem is THEY ALL ASSUME T -
there's no advice on the situation of being way in front of the truck, it accelerates towards you and mows you down....
cemex are doing good things. think it is the industry leader. thanks to cynthia barlow of roadpeace buying shares and voting at the agm and forcing them to look at this issue when one of their trucks killed her daughter (the second time for that particular truck and that particular place!)
charlie, I though the womens hour programme was on monday 13th? cant see it on their website.
The point is, if any other road user was killed by an HGV things would be taken a lot more seriously. If you are going to take charge of a dangerous machine, you should be made to be responsible for your actions and aware of the damage you can cause. I dont think every driver is necessarily guilty. I dont necessarily want Eilidh's driver to end up in jail. All we want is for them to go to court and have a fair hearing. At the moment they are not even doing that. If it had been a pedestrian at the crossing what do you think would have happened? Sorry mate, didnt see you? And that would be that? So currently these drivers can get back in their truck, the same truck, and do the same thing the next day. And come up with the same excuse! Look, Eilidh and Anthony are proof that good, experienced cylists are still killed. They are not ditsy blonde girls who dont know how to ride. They were in front and driven over! Not a left turn. We just want equal protection of the law like any other road user. These are not accidents. An accident is something that cannot be avoided. These are failures, be that failure of government policy, truck companies, drivers, or cyclists. If a driver kills a cyclist he pays with the guilt/ emotional trauma, whatever. No fine, no points, no ban, no court case, no job loss, no need to prove his innocence. And they know this. So there is no recourse, no incentive by truck company or driver to make sure it doesnt happen. But the cyclist dies, the dependants are left without a parent, the family and friends suffer, the emergency teams suffer and we as tax payers all suffer. The law is supposed to protect the innocent and vulnerable. Compare the vulnerability of a cyclist sharing space with a fully loaded tipper truck with that of its driver. QED.
PS If you wait for a green light at Hyde Park corner you will be mashed. Maybe they have put in better cycle lanes since I did that commute a long time ago. -
**[B]1. BANNERS/ A3 / A2 SHEETS: **[/B]
PRINTS ONTO 1 SIDE A4 WITH MODERATE MARGINSLondon CPS – Demonstration Statement – 3rd July 2009
We are cyclists of London, gathered here this afternoon, in a quiet protest and short vigil in memory of all our fellow cyclists killed by the drivers of vehicles; several more during this year already.
In particular we think of Eilidh Cairns, 30, who was killed at Notting Hill Gate by a tipper lorry driver on February 5th this year, and of Anthony Maynard, 25, who was killed north of Henley by a van driver exactly a year ago
We make our protest here at the London Crown Prosecution Service, to remind Ms Dru Sharpling, Chief Crown Prosecutor, of the decision of her colleagues at Reading CPS, when last year they inappropriately, remissly, and to our minds unforgivably, ordered that the van driver who struck Anthony (and his companion) from behind would not face charges. We do not hold Anthony’s life so cheap
You, the CPS at London, will shortly be reviewing the case of Eilidh Cairns who was also hit from behind on a one-way straight road.
Our protest is on behalf of all cyclists. Across Europe, motorists are presumed to be at fault in motorist-cyclist collisions. In the UK, even faced with prime evidence of a dead body, a driver does not have to prove his innocence. Instead the C.P.S. decides whether charges can successfully be brought against the motorist, and can then choose to drop a case entirely. In Anthony’s case (and as is claimed in Eilidh’s case, and in the cases of many others) the van driver’s defence that he simply didn't see the cyclists was accepted by the C.P.S. as an adequate accounting for the death of a highly-principled and well-loved citizen in the prime of his life
In a time when the nation as a whole is encouraged to exercise, and use forms of transport other than the car, and when climate change is seen as a real threat, cyclists need to feel that they have the full and equal protection of the law when on public roads, and not a law apparently interpreted (or simply set aside) to the maximum advantage of the driver, no matter how culpably careless. The C.P.S. was in dereliction of its duty last year. We fervently hope that it will adopt a different perspective, starting with the forthcoming case of Eilidh. Allowing drivers to kill with complete impunity just will not do, and does not meet the nation’s needs and priorities
We append a quotation from Christopher G. Thompson, ‘District Crown Prosecutor, Oxford Rural’, in a letter sent by him to one of the Reading Cycling Club committee who had written deploring this failure to prosecute (dated 16 March 2009):
“the fact that no prosecution has followed in this case does not in any way mean or suggest that drivers may drive carelessly around cyclists or that cyclists will not be afforded the protection of the law where appropriate.”
In what must have been a considered letter, the phrase affording cyclists the protection of the law “where appropriate” is chilling: NO! We demand the protection of the law. Full stop
Thank you. Cyclists of London
The Code for Crown Prosecutors states that the test to be applied when making a decision to charge a suspect is whether there is "Realistic prospect of conviction". That means that it is "more likely than not that a jury would convict".
"Realistic prospect" needs evidence. Even if it seems obvious what happened from pieceing together accounts from bystanders (as I have done in Eilidhs case), it needs a hard fact statement of someone willing to stand up in court and describe what happened. That's why I've been putting so much effort into trying to find witnesses to Eilidh's crash. The letter from the CPS in Anthony's case said this:
“the fact that no prosecution has followed in this case does not in any way mean or suggest that drivers may drive carelessly around cyclists or that cyclists will not be afforded the protection of the law where appropriate
The "where appropriate" is chilling. So apparently there are cases where a cyclists wil not be afforded the protection of the law?!?
Surely if someone has been killed, it's because of bad driving (not anticipating, not adjusting driving to taking account of bad conditions of vulnerable road users etc etc). If everyone was driving properly, people wouldn't die. In most of Europe and in France drivers are presumed to be at fault in motorist-cyclist collisions. The presumption is irrebuttable / conclusive if the cyclist is less than 12 years old or more than 70.
Who can take a statement to be delivered to the CPS? Shall I post it here? Or I can email it to someone. I am adapting the one that Adrian is taking in Reading.
I just phone them. They are open til 5pm today.
Thank you.
Fixies, I would really appreciate every single person that goest to the London CPS.
I feel so helpless up here in Northumberland. I really cant make it down (little children) but it would be such a shame to miss this opportunity of getting our voices heard. I spoke to Adrian tonight, who is organising things in Reading. There will be press coverage and the BBC and local TV at Reading.The LCC have already posted this press release covering the London demo too:
http://lcc.org.uk/index.asp?PageID=1428In Reading they are putting up a ghost bike at the CPS tonight and then tomorrow they are going to deliver a statement to them, and they are going to leave a laminate copy with the bike. They are going to have banners. They are going to splash red paint over the bike when they leave. Bit grusome but it makes the point I feel. Lets not shy from the horror of this. We need to be hard hitting and graphic. Noone else is going to change this if we (cyclists, and victims families) dont.
It would be great if we could mirror Reading as much as pos but I realise its a big ask at the last minute. I have asked Adrian to email me a copy of their statement in case anyone can print it off to deliver, and one to laminate. I doubt anyone can get a ghost bike there in time?
I've sent the info out to all the press contacts I have. I hope someone turns up...!?
Anyone any ideas what else I can do let me know.
Thank you to all who've posted comments.
Kate -
Dear All
TOMORROW FRIDAY 3 JULY - PROTEST - Crown Prosecution Service - Reading and London?
"Sorry Mate I didnt See You (SMIDSY)" is cutting it with the Crown Prosecution, when a driver of a vehicle mows down and kills a cyclist.If you think that this isnt good enough, please consider joining this protest at Reading CPS tomorrow, Friday 3rd July.
It would be great if a parallel protest was carried out at the London CPS. (50 Ludgate Hill, London, EC4M 7EX).
http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=531712&y=181188&z=0&sv=EC4M+7EX&st=2&pc=EC4M+7EX&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srfSadly there have been serveral cyclists killed in London this year already.
I dont know how to contact the family and friends of those other victims.
I am not in London but if anyone is in the position of encouraging people to turn up at the London CPS that would be great.
Might be a good idea to liaise with Adrian (see below).I am desparately trying to get Eilidh's case to court so the driver doesnt just walk away and continue this precedent.
The case should be going to the London CPS any day now and they will decide what action to take.
In light of the precedent set, I am expecting zero action.
Please forward as much as you can. Many thanks.Kate
Sorry this is really short notice, but I have been offline for a while
See the details of our action below:-
This Friday (3 July) is the 1st anniversary of the death of local cyclist Anthony Maynard.
Anthony was cycling between Henley and Bix when he was struck from behind by a van driver who claimed in his defence that he didn't see Anthony.
Anthony was with another local cyclist who was seriously injured.
The Crown prosecution service decided not to prosecute the driver, and this decision has left any vehicle driver who kills a cyclist to simply say I didn't see him or her and get away scot free.
This is of course an outrageous decision, but there is no option to appeal. So left with no choice Reading Cycling club (of which Anthony was a long term member) are organising a protest outside the office of the Crown prosecution service at Eaton Court, 112 Oxford Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 7LL.The CPS offices are close to the town centre, at the very start of the Oxford Road:
The cycling club and friends of Anthony would like to invite any cyclists to join us in this protest.
We will meet at 4 pm, and the protest will last about 10 minutes. Please come along, and spread the word.
adrian lawson
adrian1@ntlworld.com -
Dear All You Fixies
Sorry dont really know where to post this on your site. See below email I just rec'd re a protest in Reading at the CPS following the lack of action when a van mowed down and killed a cyclist with the excuse SMIDSY. Guess you guys are all based in London. But if anyone can pass on to Reading cyclists that would be great.And how about doing the same at the London CPS at the same time tomorrow?!? Maybe you can coordiate/liase with Adrian.
I am desparately trying to get Eilidh's case to court so the driver doesnt just walk away and continue this precedent of - never mind mate, sh!t happens, off you go.
The case should be going to the London CPS any day now.Please forward as much as you can. Many thanks.
Sorry this is really short notice, but I have been offline for a while
See the details of our action below:-This Friday (3 July) is the 1st anniversary of the death of local cyclist Anthony Maynard.
Anthony was cycling between Henley and Bix when he was struck from behind by a van driver who claimed in his defence that he didn't see Anthony.
Anthony was with another local cyclist who was seriously injured.
The Crown prosecution service decided not to prosecute the driver, and this decision has left any vehicle driver who kills a cyclist to simply say I didn't see him or her and get away scot free.
This is of course an outrageous decision, but there is no option to appeal. So left with no choice Reading Cycling club (of which Anthony was a long term member) are organising a protest outside the office of the Crown prosecution service at Eaton Court, 112 Oxford Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 7LL.The CPS offices are close to the town centre, at the very start of the Oxford Road:
The cycling club and friends of Anthony would like to invite any cyclists to join us in this protest.
We will meet at 4 pm, and the protest will last about 10 minutes. Please come along, and spread the word.adrian lawson
adrian1@ntlworld.com -
Dear All You Fixies
Sorry dont really know where to post this on your site. See below email I just rec'd re a protest in Reading at the CPS following the lack of action when a van mowed down and killed a cyclist with the excuse SMIDSY. Guess you guys are all based in London. But if anyone can pass on to Reading cyclists that would be great.And how about doing the same at the London CPS at the same time tomorrow?!? Maybe you can coordiate/liase with Adrian.
I am desparately trying to get Eilidh's case to court so the driver doesnt just walk away and continue this precedent of - never mind mate, sh!t happens, off you go. The case should be going to the London CPS any day now.
Please forward as much as you can. Many thanks.
Sorry this is really short notice, but I have been offline for a while
See the details of our action below:-This Friday (3 July) is the 1st anniversary of the death of local cyclist Anthony Maynard.
Anthony was cycling between Henley and Bix when he was struck from behind by a van driver who claimed in his defence that he didn't see Anthony.
Anthony was with another local cyclist who was seriously injured.
The Crown prosecution service decided not to prosecute the driver, and this decision has left any vehicle driver who kills a cyclist to simply say I didn't see him or her and get away scot free.
This is of course an outrageous decision, but there is no option to appeal. So left with no choice Reading Cycling club (of which Anthony was a long term member) are organising a protest outside the office of the Crown prosecution service at Eaton Court, 112 Oxford Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 7LL.The CPS offices are close to the town centre, at the very start of the Oxford Road:
The cycling club and friends of Anthony would like to invite any cyclists to join us in this protest.
We will meet at 4 pm, and the protest will last about 10 minutes. Please come along, and spread the word.adrian lawson
[EMAIL="adrian1@ntlworld.com"][/EMAIL] -
Dear All
Thank you so much for Saturday. So many friends and extended family have said how wonderful and touching it was to see us all coming in.
I dont know if you knew, I should have said at the start, but actually nearly all of the immediate family did the ride; my brother Mark, who came from Canada, my brother Asher and his girlfriend Georgie who came from Zermatt, Switzerland, and my mother, Heather, who came from Northumberland. My partner, Stewart, drove down from Northumberland with all the bikes in his van. My father John, didnt ride but he was there at the begining and at the end, along with my little babies Jake, 2 (named after Eilidh Jake Cairns) and Lys, 3, who came and kissed Eilidh's photo and stroked her face. They loved their Auntie Eilidh.
So good to speak to a few of you too. Really, thank you from my heart, I know this has helped all of the family, and Giles and friends too. Honestly Eilidh would have been so proud and so chuffed. Thank you for making this possible and being there for her.
Eilidh's Sledge. x
I spoke to Giles about having proper marshalls who filter off from the front of the pack to block off junctions onto our route until we have all passed and then ride up through the fleet again and repeat. IS that happening? Also are we having pacemakers at the front and some people at the rear checking we dont loose anyone? Hi vis jackets good for marshalls and making motorists listen to you.
Ive been on the big skates through the city and they handle it really well. Im sure youve got it all under control. Can anyone confirm if we have a police escort?
Im just thinking safety, credibility, and pre-empting my parents concerns....!
PS Thanks for those that helped me contact Hael. I also tried to contact Seeds, who's boss's wife saw the accident. Anyone help me on that one? Big thank you.
I spoke to Giles about this the other day. He was going to meet with the 'organising team' last night I think.
We decided the most dangerous thing to do was for us to stop and the site and all get off and mill around.
The best thing would be to go very slowly passed (like walking pace) and carry on through to the Mitre and the park, and park our bikes down there and then we can walk back up. We dont want 240 bikes blocking up the street.Will leave it to Giles or others to confirm.
PS I sent a private message to Hael, re his first posting but dont know if it went through as its not showing in my sent box.... any suggestions? (amateur forum person) -
Dear All
Ive just spoken to someone I found (through this forum) on another forum, who was at the scene.
If anyone else was there, or knows anyone that was there please please do get in touch. I am finding that everyone has their own tiny (or not so tiny) extra bit of info about the event. I think our 'family' forums are sometimes more efficient and productive than police investigations.
Every contact with any one who was with her, when I could not be, is a help.
Many thanks for all your support, you are very generous.
Kate Cairns
See you on the ride. -
Dear All
Ive just spoken to someone I found (through this forum) on another forum, who was at the scene.
If anyone else was there, or knows anyone that was there please please do get in touch. I am finding that everyone has their own tiny (or not so tiny) extra bit of info about the event. I think our 'family' forums are sometimes more efficient and productive than police investigations.
Every contact with any one who was with her, when I could not be, is a help.
Many thanks for all your support, you are very generous.
Kate Cairns -
just thought Id let you guys know about this article out today in our local press:
thank you so much for your support. she would have been well chuffed with you all turning up for her. xx -
Hello, Im Eilidh's sister. I have signed up since Giles showed me the forum last week and have been following your threads. I am really touched by the effort and generosity of you lot. I always cycled in London when I lived there and I am proud to have been part of that 'family', and I totally understand how not cycling was not an option for Eilidh.
I think my parents want to come down and do the ride. I and my partner, Stewart, definately will. I was due to come that w.e. in any case and stay with my little Sledge, so this will take the edge off the fact that she is not there, in a tiny way.
I read about the armbands and all that, she wasnt into pink as such but was always wearing bright colours. Anyway, its the funeral tmrw, after that has settled we (well me at least) would love to get more involved in what you are organising. It will give us focus again.
By the way we dont know what happened, I have been carrying out my own little investigation but it was a straight road, no vehicles turning, so its a bit of a mystery, probably a lane change as someone mentioned. We are not looking for blame, although I do want clarity of events at some point. She was a good and careful rider but her injuries were multiple and severe. Im taking comfort from the fact that they did all they could but it wasnt enough. She didnt do things in half measures, our little Eildih.
Anyway, thanks again, it makes the blow a little easier to bear.
Kate Cairns -
Hello, Im Eilidh's sister. I have signed up since Giles showed me the forum last week and have been following your threads. I am really touched by the effort and generosity of you lot. I always cycled in London when I lived there and I am proud to have been part of that 'family', and I totally understand how not cycling was not an option for Eilidh.
I think my parents want to come down and do the ride. I and my partner, Stewart, definately will. I was due to come that w.e. in any case and stay with my little Sledge, so this will take the edge off the fact that she is not there, in a tiny way.
I read about the armbands and all that, she wasnt into pink as such but was always wearing bright colours. Anyway, its the funeral tmrw, after that has settled we (well me at least) would love to get more involved in what your are organising. It will give us focus again.
Anyway, thanks again, it makes the blow a little easier to bear.
Kate Cairns
oops got cut off.....THEY ALL ASSUME - that the people who die are people like this girl described above. Its not fair. Eilidh wasnt. Its like sending new cyclists to war with no armour. No armour of knowldege, statistics, and know-how. Yes it is supposed to be controversial, and it is supposed to make people think twice. But at least they might make a considered choice to cycle instead of an uninformed one.
I just got back from Copenahgen. Noone wore helmets (well a few did but much the minority) noone wore hi vis, they all had sit up bikes, they all wore their work clothes, girls in pretty dresses, guys in suits, it was perfect. Obvioulsy we are a long way from this. I know the stats for cycle helmets, they save 60% of 60% of people wearing them who have crashes or sthg like that, but lets face it, a helmet would have done nothing for Eilidh. The fker just mowed her down. You need to know this stuff, eps. new cyclists need to know this, and Boris should be telling them. I want to warn, and save, and protect the cyclist that are doing it all right. Like Eilidh, and Anthony in Reading, and so many others.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
Other idea is every one wears cameras, and we log and show and tell these drivers, and maybe prosecute? before they actually kill someone. Then we all see the riders point of view, instead of all assuming the drivers point of view. This would be very powerful.