Just set up a Lfgss group on steam - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/londonfgss Join!
Anyone here play CS:S? Addicted to farcry atm. Im such a nerd when it comes to games. Would take me about 10 minutes to write out all my games. All on PC btw. Add me on steam : STEAM_0:0:21496075
PS. Left for dead is half price *UNTIL FRIDAY *in the steam store http://store.steampowered.com/app/500/
Briankwan might still have one...
http://www.londonfgss.com/thread20168.html#post643341Pm'd him thanks a lot.
Knowing the standard height of a london brick, you take half the width of stock Raleigh racing drops you can calculate the distance the bike is away from the wall.
Given the standard lens on a digital camera is 35mm you can calculate the field of view and from that the distance away from the bike the photo is takenTake into account variations in London brick through the 1980's and the cheap import of South African product with the likelihood the lens has linear optical technology on board. I can tell you you need a 65-72mm drop cantilever brake
servicing my bike last night and got my finger sucked into my drivechain between the rear cog and chain, its usually the one thing im really careful about. Its cracked the nail and stabbed through abit of flesh, im worried the oil will make it infected and i ndont really wanna go to hospital if i can avoid it, anyone else done this and did it heal its self ok?
how do people manage to do this? Seems to be a really common injury
Set a time and ill try but i only got l4d 2 days ago and im still kinda crap.