As I said, I ordered this earlier in the week before I managed to get one that fitted from Cavendish Cycles:
http://www.dotbike.com/ProductsP5913.aspx?utm_source%3dinternal%26utm_medium%3d3%26utm_campaign%3dDDIIt's arrived, I've measured it up, and it's also exactly the right size to fit the Bowery. So does anyone want to buy it off me? I payed £14.51 for it (as you can see on the page I linked to!) and it's brand new, having only been removed from the box for me to measure it. Make me an offer if you want it!
I should think so, if they've still got any in stock. Like I said the exact model and specification for the one I bought is BHP-10, for road bikes, and the diameter of the bearing cups is 41.4mm. But I may have bought the last one, as the box for the one I got looks like it'd been kicking around there for a little while before being sold!
The bloke there was very helpful and looked through the headsets they had to find that one. He measured it up against the one I'd taken out and found that the BBB one was actually more like 41.5 or 41.6mm than the 41.4 it's listed as being, so it was only 0.2mm off the one I'd taken out. Having installed it I can confirm that it's still big enough to achieve a secure press fit.
In my search for a headset I also tried Velorution, who were pretty helpful. The bloke in the workshop measured up the headset, but wasn't sure if they had one in that size and told me to come back later on when his colleague would be in who'd know if they had that headset. I also tried Cycle Surgery on Pentonville Road and Evans on Rathbone Place, both of which were predictably unhelpful.
Well, I bought this earlier today from Cavendish Cycles:
http://www.dotbike.com/ProductsP3353.aspx?utm_source%3dinternal%26utm_medium%3d3%26utm_campaign%3dDPLedit: Well, I think it was that one. That page doesn't give the model number but the model number of the headset I bought was BHP-10.
And have now successfully fitted it! So if you buy that it'll definitely work. However, out of the need to do something about the situation last night, I ordered the FSA headset anyway. I think the feeling of having done something, no matter how pointless, enabled me to get to sleep faster. When it arrives I'll compare it to the headset I removed and post to say whether they seem to be the same. I may also offer the one I bought for sale.
Interestingly, the BBB headset I've posted a link to lists the cup diameter as 41.4mm whereas the headset that I took out had a diameter of 41.8mm. Maybe the FSA one will be closer to that?
Well, I've taken the plunge and I'm replacing my headset. It went from being to desirable to being a necessity when I broke the old one while taking it out! Unfortunately the one I bought to replace it from Cavendish Cycles turned out to be the wrong size, so I'll go back tomorrow with the cups I've removed and see if they've got anything to match them. However, if they don't I've got a strong feeling that this is the one that's needed:
I'll order one and let you know how I get on if I can't get a suitable sized headset from a shop tomorrow. Good thing I've got more than one bike! (Well, I wouldn't have taken the risk of removing the headset as I did if I didn't have more than one bike.)
I'm going to bump this thread, because I think the headset in my Bowery is on its way out and I want to replace it, however no one in this thread seems to be entirely sure about what kind it is. So could anyone advise me what kind to buy? Preferably with links to a website where I can buy it, so I have to do absolutely no work whatsoever and can just sit here eating a quiche. I'm not that bothered about how flashy the headset I buy is, I just want a relatively cheap one that works. So come on guys, hook a brother up with a headset.
A friend is trying to convert a bike to singlespeed and has acquired a wheel designed for a screw on freewheel. While trying to buy a freewheel for it, we've come across the issue of metric vs imperial threaded freewheels, and I can't seem to find any information about the difference. What is the difference between them and which kind will most likely be required on a standard wheel designed for a screw on freewheel?
No, I was just on fire in Vauxhall.