i like this just descending into a music thread.
i couldn't love bon iver any more.general "beardcore" contributions
- samamidon
- the tallest man on earth
- phosphorescent
- the rural alberta advantage
- devendra banhart
- all post rock ever (maybe not godspeed! that would freak you out whilst riding i think)
- samamidon
i've no idea about 14 then, unless there was a communication issue, but i was told they weren't doing threaded forks anymore. maybe they have been but stopped recently? no idea.
and the issue at blb was that apparently none of the forks on the walls would fit my 59cm frame due to steerer length issues.
it was mad busy sunday though, maybe they just wanted to get rid of me ;)
anyone got any idea's where would be good for threaded 1" forks, 16ish cm of steerer tube (for a 59cm iro frame).
cavendish don't have anything for a month,
14 say they're only doing threadless
and blb looked at me like i'd shot a dog when i asked in there...someone in 14 recommended tour de ville, but i've heard its pretty pricey as they're carrying mainly older vintage forks?
i'm keeping my eye out on classifieds, but haven't seen anything yet
well, that wasn't very hard was it...
rear stay looks a bit flimsey :)
if it ever actually got picked i'd re-do the illustration to it's as perfect as i can get it, right now i just based it around someone riding a geared bike so i sort improvised quickly on some of the parts (like the crankset looks pretty ridiculous right now), so i'd totally tweak all that out, just takes a bit of time.
@shaw - that NBA inspired design is ace, I'd certainly buy one of those.
cool, cheers, i'll neaten up the actual illustration and post it hi-res later on so people can see what it looks like all big and stuff.