- Shinscar
- Scott not scot
- 50/14
- Charco
- P!MP
- won't-do-hills
- Big Daddy Wayne
- horatio
- cliveo
- tomasito
- Bianca
- GA2G
- eyebrows
- rik
- kattt (+big sis & mama)
- dante
- VelocityBoy
- ladystardust
- gabes
- villa-ru
- alockett
- spudger
- Gina
- mattty
- Object
- hael
- pIqUe
- Elguapo
- Gustav
- WiganWill.
- tika
- town
- alexb
- slag
- murtle
- Dandy Horse
- VeeVee
- fred
- wools
- Mrlemon
- Squash
- Dammit
- yeh731
- Vic
- Matt (baddesigner)
- Clefty
- kowalski
- fruitbat
- fresh
- Skully
- Mini Skully
- Timmy2wheels
- Dancing James
- Spins
- Speedball
- first lift last call
- andyp
- badtmy
- Jacqui
- DirtyD
- Soul
- Ev
- Prav
- Ferris
- MA3K + Kid
- Vinylvillain
- Wibble
- TheRottenClub
- jonny
- Roxy
- Mike -Trampsparadise
- Snowy_Again
- Timmy
- Mackenzie
- Stelle
- BlueQuinn
- RockSteady
- moog
- Nosferatu
- spaghoops
- Oliver Schick
- Whatamidoing
- johnny h
- stringerman
- shootthebreeze
- Donut!
- Sharkstar
- motman
- arvy
- stimpy - there's be lots of others who i know are friends of eilidh (like me) who arent on this forum who will coming too
- mashton
- Stix
- Khornight (+mrs and child prob)
- VeLLo
- Andrea
- Libtech (I'm also a friend of Eilidh's and know about 10 other people that will be coming)
- marcoisapolo
- Ombre
- MrBig-G
- eddie
- Dilworth
- Johnny Fitz
- danny fitz
- Jo Clegg (I'll be in AUS but will enjoy a ride that day for Eilidh)
- koens
- ondine
- pearcey
- dasmiller
- eggpie
- robvalentine
- TheTeleflorist
- Max72
- Deluka
- sorethroat
- Buffalo Bill
- fatboyralph
- coppiThat
- skiver
- Bombcup
- XTR.
- Pistaboy
- benjeebee
- huge16
- Shinscar
What's the problem with the brake by the way? If you're around, maybe we can have a look at it together? My front brake assembly gave me some grief not long ago, but I eventually sorted it myself. The screw and nut needed tightening in the fork, and it was causing juddering, and had the effect of the front wheel being out of true.
Hey - never thought of that! I'm just going to check the brakes out (again).
Top hole everyone have a spiffing day!
I say, for those of us chaps and chapettes without suitable attire or mode of transport we would rather like to see some photographic evidence of the great event and anything that avoids the use of such photographic machines attached to those new fangled cordless telephonic devices would be rather good.
One is hoping for great things.
Pip pip
Although I am hugely distracted by the Tweed Run today (but far too late to get involved) I thought it would be a good idea to post my experiences and thoughts for those still uuming and aaring.
Up bright and early for a quick shakedown roll round Regent's Park after building and tweaking since Wed (changed the tyres added fixed cog and tried my dammnest to sort out the brakes).
Fantastic ride, why hadn't I done this before? The bike was, quiet, quick and felt reassuringly positive on the road - no mucking about with gers etc, downside are the brakes - they are frankly shocking and grip like cheese. The ol'chicken lever have got to go and I am thinking of ditching the back brake as well.
After a quick stop to adjust the seat post and the bars it was off for a few extra laps round the Park when disaster - an effin puncture. No problem I had a massive adjustable spanner to do the biz on the back wheel but in my excitement to get out there I'd left the PRK at home. so if you happened to be out this am in the Park and saw a fat freak trudging back to NW Londinium with a tricross that was me that was.
Reflections - for the money a bloody good frame and lots of potential for upgrading.
Just getiing my sh*t together to go fixed!
Pip pip!
Got mine yesterday and spent the evening putting it together. Totally impressed with it for the price. Looking forward to giving it an outing at the w/e.
Jimbo - Mine came with Vs although they are no name cheapo units and I'm going to change out the pads anyway so I hope it ain't going to be a problem. My opinion - don't hesitate for the price and stock seem low!
What about
http://www.hargrovescycles.co.uk/ ?