- (46) Cornelius BlackenedJerkChickenFoot
- babybackhoops
- Aleksi
- Pistanator
- coppiThat
- damo
- Snowy Again on a duff pc.
- Dov aka DJ Talent
- Charco-al
- jaygee
- Cleftiko & MOC
- maxcrowe
- Chicken Wings Pun
- Pop 'N' Fresh Squire
- stevo_com
- gizMmmmmmond
- Kirth
- No Oven Reed
- huge pulled pork 16 (oo er) If anyone is interested I also do a mean soyabean burger.
No idea what the deal is here but if there is one thing I can do its a large (and I mean large) BBQ. Usually do 3-400 meals at a time so I'll happily BBQ the night away - just say the word and bring it on.
- (46) Cornelius BlackenedJerkChickenFoot
@wools +1
We want the recipes!
I agree that it is unlikely that there should be a problem with the agent. Visits are rare and will probably only result from a neigbours complaint etc regarding the pet. However, any damage caused may cause problems with the return of the deposit at the end of the tenancy. Certainly I seen enormous damage caused by dogs to flats where the cost of repair has had to met out of the deposit.
I have a cat that spends perhaps 90% of his time outside and certainly I feel that it is cruel to keep a cat inside all the time. I suggest that you let the cat out during the day. They always seem to come back when food/bed is on offer!