before you splash the cash on that badboy have a look at this from bikeguide:
(you may not be able to see it without being signed in thoguh)
the guy is sound and ive done plenty of deals with him. he only wants 400 quid for it and its all top of the range stuff. the deployer you are looking at it a good few years old now and its gona be pretty heavy.
im not sure how much you know about bmx but this one is a hell of a load better than the deployer. not saying the deployer is bad but this is just a mega bargain. link to the bikecheck with all the pics. again you will probably have to sign up but its worth it. just pm the guy about it.
ok, so this forum is probably not going to be very fruitful but i can tell you that you should try bikeguide.org which is a bunch of good guys and you will get good deals. or you can look on bmx-forum.COM but keep your whits about you on there because its mostly kids 15 and younger. there are about 70% decent guys and the for sale section is very busy. and lastly try looking on streetphire.co.uk a hell of a load of bargains on there but also watch out for the odd scammer and you will have to convince them to post because it is based up north. dont be put off by the second 2, i have done plenty of deals and havnt been scammed (ok, partly but i got my money back after threatening to go and pay him a visit with the lads) but just check their lists of bad sellers etc and its pretty obvious who is trying to rip you off.
second bit of advice is do not get a complete. you can get hold of ones that may look like a good deal and the guy in the shop can make it sound like a good deal but you will be replacing parts in no time with that price range. only completes worth getting are like 600 quid up and you can probably get better custom bikes for 200 quid that will be better than high end completes.
also ignore people on here when they tell you to get a brake. it is purely an opinion thing. for people that actually ride it is nothing to do with trends. on the whole there are 3 reasons why people are brakeless. first, you just dont need them unless you live somewhere with a load of hills and you have to go a long way to get to spots. seccond people dont know how to set them up and just dont bother and thirdly because it stops you pussying out of a gap/rail or whatever.
edit: one more thing, mostly on the forums you can haggle quite a lot compared to on here. people expect it. and there is none of this dibs stuff. you just send them a pm asap and its usually first person to pay or the first person to express real interest. and be prepared to be going through a deal and then they just say its gone. try and get the money sorted fast so that doesnt happen.
you wont be getting a nikon slr that does video for any way near that price.
also the d80 is an awesome camera. you will get fed up of the d40 pretty quick and want to upgrade but a d80 will last a lot longer as it is a high end entry level body. a lot of pros have it as a backup so thaths saying something.
but that is a sweet deal on the d40 i would snap that up.
im your man i think. what are you after for just the pedals?