YouTube - Gou Miyagi - overground broadcasting skate video
saw this the other day, havent skated for years but seeing this really made me think "skating is fun again" :D
hi im Sion,
since sniffing around on here over the last couple of days ive:
a) Managed to not make the mistake fo buying unipack, and
b) Managed to relieve my old man of his old harry quinn pride and joy (lots of gears and such on the moment....hopefully all to change soon)will get some picks once ive finally managed to get it out of his front door
anyone know anything about these?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fixed-gear-fixie-single-speed-track-wheel-bike-Blkred_W0QQitemZ280299357563QQihZ018QQcategoryZ33503QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemim a newbie looking to get into it all with a very tight budget
another newbie here, just managed to pinch this off my old man and will be looking to "fix" it as soon as funds allow :)