0.1. (46) Cornelius BlackenedJerkChickenFoot (7Day Marinade Chicken 24 Pieces)
- babybackhoops
- Aleksi
- Pistanator
- coppiThat
- damo
- Snowy Again on a duff pc.
- Dov aka DJ Talent
- Charco-al
- jaygee
- Cleftiko & MOC (Chili Lamb Burgers and Kebabs?)
- maxcrowe
- Chicken Wings Pun
- Pop 'N' Fresh Squire
- stevo_christmas burgers
- gizMmmmmmond
- Kirth
- No Oven Reed
- huge pulled pork 16 - Soyaburgers - marinated chicken thighs - condiments
- bigcitybilly
- Buddha Sausage-Fingaz +1
- southernfriedcheese
- gormley
- Babar (que)
- LdnGrrowler aka Overposted N00bie
- OhMyBlazin'Gosh
- VeeVee
- teenflamegrilled
- tootoughtofry + lil' sis
- Stix
- Mini..Burger
- the 4th assassin & kim
- fluff
- hillbilly35. Gina
- babybackhoops
- Jonny
- adoubletap
- fred
- wools
- willski
- furious tiles
- MrSmyth
- Sainsburys Ed
- Soul
- Dammit
- Fenella (possibly)
- tika
- teenslain (fuck it! If the move goes smoothly and I'm allowed out afterwards)
- dommyracer
- wibble
- andyp (I'll bore you with minutae from the route having ridden it the Monday before!)
- Object
- hoops
- Holmes81(need to check what else is planned, should be ok)
- Dov
- Leanne
- Aroogah
- Hovis Brown
- illy
- Hillbilly
- BDW [I shall be saying 'leakygas' at every opportune moment]
- Sam (the missus won't like it, but tough shit)
- horatio
- BMMF+2 (maybe)
- mashton (+1)
- fluff
- brett
- texas
- Rauri (possibly +1).
- Steve P [BDW's mate]
- Hippy
- FatboyRalph
- Markyboy - well it's local, innit like, sarf lahhndannnn
- VeeVee
- Jaygee
- gav
- Gustav
- ehren_fried_chicken
- BlueQuinn
- Darwenian
- andyp's gf
- Radius
- marcom
- Gina
- Jonny
As you were polite about it.
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1468463That one is a pretty nice route.
The bit after the hadams is sublime to ride.I rode that route last saturday. It is indeed really nice and easy to find.
I did not check the map once on my way.... -
So I got my new road bike last Thursday, came back from a ride on Sunday, wiped it off quickly and discovered that a big chunk of paint has come off the seat stay.
don't know how it happened but I know I did not drop it or smash it against something.
Really pissed off, I mean I only rode a 150 miles on it or so...The question is,does that happen easy with carbon frames? Or is it due to a bad paint job?
- Wibble / Blue / Medium Mens
- motoko/ Blue / Medium Mens
- motoko/ Red / Medium Mens
- marie / Black / Small Womens
- dm80 / Blue / Medium Mens
- Crane / Black / mens Large
- teenslain / Black / Large Mens
- clefty /Blue /Large Mens
- buzzlightyear / Black / Medium Mens
- BenJam / Blue / Medium mens
- Soul / Blue / Medium mens
- wools / Blue / Medium mens
- Stix / Blue/ Medium Womens
- JDB / Blue/ XL Mens
- TBA / Blue / Small Mens
- skelator/ blue/large mens
- Elvis / Blue / Medium Mens
- xwielorybx / black / large mens
- NicePark / blue/ medium mens
- stevo_com / red / large mens
- balhamboy / blue/ med mens
- hoops / black/ medium mens
- dt /black / medium mens
- PeteScotch / Black /Medium mens
- 4130 / blue / medium mens
- meek.tv / blue /large mens
- Joe.S / black / mens large
- alockett / Blue / Small Men's29. ginag / red / medium womens
- Wibble / Blue / Medium Mens
Pajamas were introduced in England as lounging attire in the 17th century but soon went out of fashion. About 1870 they reappeared in the Western world as sleeping attire for men, after returning British colonials brought (them) back....
Over the past few decades pajamas have become less popular and many younger men now sleep in their underwear or naked. -
haha! triathletes tend to choose funny outfits....