Looking at your pictures I would also suggest that you run that downpipe from the main roof on down to ground level rather than terminating on the porch roof as it does now. You can see all sorts of previous water damage from the roof overflowing in the past. It will be a pain to hide but will work better
Yes has the trailer is complete with the towing bracket which fixes on to the axle you are supposed to be able to use with quick release but I have always used with solid axles and bolt.
As you will see from the photos there is a bit of damage to the rear canvas and the towing arm is a little warn but otherwise in good condition.
I originally bought from EBay when this type was £80 but now going for £127
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/352255353353?hash=item52040e2209:g:v7YAAOSwVLRadDWE&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwMYZErtscd8VX81fbikRmOSEyMvEKXWeLdxtn5PIAllL0XCZsEFAm4DstooeSxazfcx23XIhJnsW0B%2FNYcv8YgnrFu7usdusCP1R6zzo0jaj5hgWv2MwXeYKRD1Tnprqt2sFozdUJn%2FCCP%2FRnA1Zw6yyOOfym2hk0Bkyy9szY55ZqDM6jwiMuXegXGnuQRSvWdW5%2F2v3oGEfNZP6cAiypuLLkMEwL5D8N0R%2BEIM%2FStNgdjdhRBaeuz4CV1hADezOGg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABlBMUK7bzr_rYA -
Only just come back to this post looking for tradespeople myself and to answer your enquiry I used Aaron from https://www.thecyclingsparks.co.uk/ whose name I got here
@itsbruce any news about the Tweed Run?
I'm in
1) |³|MA3K
2) Oliver Schick
3) eyebrows
4) Booga
5) Jonny69
6) Settle
7) middleofnowhere
8) mespilus
9) cliveo
10) ric_a5
11) Frozone
12) Snakeye62
13) Tommy
14) Magpie
15) conkrWest to East:
1) Crop
2) Malandro
3) BlackMath
4) Cloak/Dagger
5) digs86
6) knowcomply
7) playswellwithotters
10) Zebra Cyclist
Depends what you mean by slightly uneven and where the heaviest foot fall will be. Sheet is usually better than tiles for uneven surfaces but the cork backing on the click tiles will probably help