Apologies for asking so early into my stay, but I'm building up my first fixed-gear and I am in need of some bits, currently:
Wheels! Front and rear, fixed rear hub, naturally, got a sprocket and lockring on their way. If anyone has either or both going that'd be great!
Also looking for a crankset, 48t preferably, for use with 1/8 chain, and a **threaded headset, **on the offchance someone has one going spare that they'd like to sell.
I'm fat and old. I also feature in Will's poster. The fat old one.
I was going to say 'older', but I figured I'd let you admit it. It's the first stage, you know.
If you come to CM again I'll be riding a BeOne Storm (fairly distinctive, black, gold and white roadie with arrows on top tube and stuff) -
It is entirely possible to hijack it as i found when I led it to the end of my road and then left a couple of hundred young hipsters lost in North London.
You do realise that was me you left lost (except I wasn't lost ;)). And I'm not a hipster. I don't ride fixed / ss runaway
Just to check, you gave us directions towards Highbury Corner, and then said "well, I live here, so...bye!"?Boxing day was quite boring, not a great mass, but at least I got to ride me new bike... (and fall off at the first damned barrier, ["f***ing toe clips!" if anyone remembers that :p])
Look lovely, bit pricey for me tho, I'm skint!