I thought it looked well dull when that Beaumont chap did it.
Getting to ride all the way round the world sounds like the most amazing adventure.
But having to do it without stopping to see anything, meeting people etc just pedalling like mad. Seems like pure hell.
He should ride round the world & have some fun. If he want to break records/win medals he should go enter a race.
I agree with the "looking dull" bit. The tele program about him was not very good.
Going across OZ just looked horrible...double so if you get a head wind on one of them long long straight roads.
But good luck to this guy the sense of achivement must be amazing when you finish...record or not.
Teenslains, no offence, but your complaining spree about people being priced out of areas, no good people left etc ... heard it so many times, in Berlin especially. The seemingly romantic state of poverty. Sound a bit like "Leave Friedrichshain to us, unemployment is no fun with working people living here!" every time someone brings it up.
Good point pascalo.... You wont affend him as I already have(I am sorry for that!) with my more direct reply... Yours in much better!
Hipsters move in, estate agents clock it, area gets gentrified, all the good people get priced out, area ruined... What Graham said really...
I dont agree with this at all... in my experince the "good people" or "locals" as i know them are just a bunch of inbred benefit thieves who do nothing but bring an area down and breed dickhead kids that then steal everyones bikes...
If this ride gets too big it will get shut down.
If I am not to late..
1.Brothers Chug_It
2.Ved- Cornelius Marathonfoot
- Skully
- Tomasito
- PinkGottiMobbs
- miss_socks
- Broker
- fresh
- Crazy James (so crazy he messed up the list!)
- Oliver Schick
- emab
- photoben
- damo
- George Sportif au leau preau
- jimbilly.
- Spins
- Hovis Brown
- kx.001
- pajamas
- coppiThat
- veLLo
- Guerillaphoto
- Aleksi
- wibble
- tika
- Gina
- Gloves
- Crowbar
- Barbados
- texas
33.Jung - Clefty (i saw her on here earlier, but she got deleted)
- beth (i'll try but most likely will fail, so consider me invisible)
- gormley
- Sasmon (I take it that this is not a race?)
- supertony007
- wickerman
- Walled
- Harry (even though I was like 23 before).
- Heyholetsgo...
- Cornelius Marathonfoot
Fucking right mate. There's too much emphasis on being fashionably cynical and sitting at our desks with our easy jobs and forgetting important things like the actual process of democracy, in so far as actually making any decisions about anything happening around us. We are directly responsible for the actions of the banks and government by our own inaction in opposing the frighteningly bad decisions they make to profit the financial sector, as well as just plain not giving a flying fuck so long as we can buy imported bicycle parts that cost more than a golden bucket of diamonds and would feed a family of four, anywhere else in the world, for a month.
Good point ..well made Sir!
I can understand this.. I have just got a new pub bike...its a single speed but the breaks are not that great.. So I have been riding so much slower then I normally would/taken different routes etc and I have really enjoyed it.