hey there all
thanks was fun party
I generally fucking hate parties and avoid them like the plague but I somehow managed to get over my I hate being in a confined space with shit loads of people thing and do remember having some decent social interaction (thanks to any one who bought me a drink by the way Im sure that helped a lot).
nice to meet a lot of you over weekend or get to know you a bit better
ok my hangover has graciously fucked off and left me alone so I no longer feel like attempting to interact with other humans animals is a waste of time so Im back into this.
8:30 is good for me
I love those first few minutes of riding at silly o'clock before your body has the time to realyse what it is your actually doing to it and the light is all soft.
I like downham during the day and mitch in the eve idea
do we know what time we are meeting yet or is it another 11 more like 12ish day