yeah I did not think you were and if you had been it would not of mattered
I would seriously appreciate some proper feedback from people on what could have been done diferent this is an informal pub shat or something so we dont bore the thread to tears
and so that I can learn more from the experience -
The reffing at Oxford was terrible or, perhaps more accurate, non-existent.
that's a fair point to be honest I just jumped in at the deep end there and had no idea what I was doing or what to call or if I can call because a lot of the rulings that your being a dick can be biased personal polotics and opinions.
Sorry to anyone who found this frustrating if I ever ref again I need to be clear on what I am actually doing and calling and yeah just be prepared to piss people off all day
Gonna be doing throw ins on the court from 9-10 (I hope)
if people can be there 11
11:30 go over rules
12 start or we just wont have time11:30 is my team reg cap time (everyone who has pre reg is cool)
the things been advertised as 11 start so if your not there by 11:30 and you get pissyif anyone is is registered but know they will be a bit late let me know
and I can shift them into a later bracket (if you need my number pm me)
within reason though -
zoe: do you have the black murican ABS caps i gave you? i'll buy them back or trade for these new ones?
their currently on one of my mallets
but have not quite decided if I like the weight of the things yetI'dd rather build another with these new caps and compare them
but if in a few weeks I have not grow to like the mallet with the caps you sold me
I can give em back no worries
I cant come :(