What's with police in vans shouting at people?
I got shouted at by police in a van when I was riding in circles at a red light. The cycle box was fucking huge, I could have ridden round and round all day long.
The only reason I was doing it anyway was so I didn't get stopped for going through the red light.Probably reduces the guilt from not getting outside of the warmth of the cabin..
I am 100% deaf, I have hearing aids that sound like a broken radio, and I found the best way to explain my deafness is that I can´t tell the difference between a bird´s tweet and the squeal of a double decker´s brake.
But the thing with seeing instead of listening, your eyes never lie, (expect when it come to cleverly hidden pothole on rainy dark evening might be different), your ears might, at least mine does a lots more than hearing people, what if a cyclist coming up behind you? you don´t often hear them since they tend to be quiet especially fixed wheel bicycles in a windy day, what if you can´t hear an electric car coming up on your right, left or behind you? etc.
I see that relying on your ears might be more problematic than looking out more often.
Does that affect your balance at all?
Can you cope with speach at all?Sorry if the questions are personal...I'm just a curious person by nature..
eyehategod ftw! (bit more upbeat innit)
Tried it. I couldn't, I honestly gave it a good chance, in fact it's still on my ipod on the off chance it plays on shuffle but I can't do it..You heard of Torche?
They've grown quite a bit since their first album which is the only one I've actually listened to. Mentor (last song) is insaaane. http://www.myspace.com/torche
I left my iPod in the pocket of my jacket when it went through the washing machine last week. 3 days on the radiator and hey presto it was working a treat....what a result
Wish I was so lucky. Mine got a sprinkler treatment after it slipped out my pocket when I was having a nap on the grass...the wheel stopped working at first, now it's capput.
Sigur Ros! My kinda band. Me likey.
I like the responses, the focus on reasons rather than what actual artists.
Keep them coming boys :)
@Victorwilliams - I see your seat is pretty low. Is that how you like it or is it the frame's size which means you have to sit that low?
A bit of a chat later and he was telling me he could get 20mph+ from it, so I'm glad I stopped.
Tbh You'd probably be miles away by the time it got to that speed..plus your heart won't run out of batteries :D
I find Hyde Park policemen really picky though, I was riding look mum no hands and was shouted at by a parked police van...
It's a nanny state I tell you a goddam nanny state.. -
Not trying to stop you have a conversation about riding with music but there is a good music thread that has developed almost into a battle style.
I'll be honest, I did search and see that thread but I guess I'm taking a different approach but fair do's.
Think I saw him too actually. Saw some unipacks for sale..they do look good...although why they leave them all wrapped up in cardboard I do not know...
Anyone see a 6ft bloke with a grean jacket and redish beenie? That be me :D
I'll be headed towards rough trade to pickup a CD on my then new freestyler on Sat around midday. 6.5mile journey here i come..