Just looked at your blog thingy. I think you might be running the risk of alienating any female riders with some of the content on there mate.
I agree with you here. No offense man but your blog makes you look like a bunch of chauvinistic arse wipes. But that's just from the point of view of a girl that spends a lot of time in a "man's world". Some girls like to be considered just a pair of tits.
I've been living here for 36 years..
it's not all it's cracked up to be, best stay put really
I am from england haha so this is not a new endevour by any means. I love everything about it. Also being close to my family again will be a bonus. Everything can be complete shit but if you have the right people around you it makes it all worth it
snails what do you miss the most from the UK (and will you bring me things i miss from americaland?)
I could do that =) What do you miss? I am moving with my bike bag my messenger and 1 suitcase though, so nothing huge ha
This is going to sound so cheesy and stupid but to be honest I miss my family my friends my boyfriend and dun dun dun...the weather haha
materialistically...if I still ate dairy I would miss the fuck out of some crunchies hah
organising files.