Still looking for the outfit.
- fresh
- Oliver Schick
- coppiThat
- Dilworth
- Charco
- Spudger
- George Sportif
- dante
11.veLLo - Bobs Dids
- Sorethroat
- Heyholetsgo
- 105champ
- gizmond
- Aroogah
- MrBig-G
- Persian
- Cornelius "Domestique" Blackfoot (must buy jersey, must buy jersey, if anyone sees any merino ones let me know)
- motman - just missed out on fine vintage jersey on ebay... the hunt is still on!
23.Sarah h
69.CrazyJames (will try and get hold of a jersey! Camera gear coming with me also) - Morgybaby
- fresh
In. +1
0 - flickwg
1 - Oliver Schick
2 - samuelglanville
3 - teddy
4 - cliveo
5 - emab
6 - fresh
7 - gustav
8 - Le Slag
9 - Morgybaby
10 - nosferatu
11 - mattty
12 - hillbilly
13 - wools
14 - miss_socks
16 - yeh731
17 - The Singng Pie- cake
- Marcus
- T-wenty! CG
- chatters
- The Joker
- m-xl
24.matt_r_p - mashton
- Johnny fitz
- magpie00
- texas
- ive2dogs
- Nick
- Jonytang666
- cake
- lurker103
- nosferatu
- dicki
- Velocio
- towtow
- thecrane
- fllc
- alockett
- wibble
- mmc"no jacket required"carthy
- sorethroat
- Harry
- fresh (if I'm free)
13.5 dovoneil - villa-ru
- yeh731
- miss_socks
- hoops
- jaygee & VeeVee (together as one)
- Spins
- BlueQuinn
- Mann1e
- wickerman
- Ombre
- veLLo
- moog
- Jung (provided new wheels are go)
- philjay + 1
- CrazyJames
- coppiThat
- owenreed
- STE5
- Anrias
- P!mp
- MattS
- twelve
- marcoisapolo
- The Joker
- Charco
- Rik
- George Sportif
- wools
- emab
- Pistanator
- Bernie
- gizmond
- Dilworth
- letrekk
- hillbilly
- Persian
- cake
- Don Cornholio
- wilda
- dylan
- tommy
- ondine
- purple_tom
- marco
- cengiz
- superDean
- keanu.. the fast
- damo.
- chatters
- Skiver
64/65. asm/crhm - Mobidog +2
- Eyebrows (+1)
- Mielie
- Broker
- gormley
- Vinylpimp
- Deluka
- kattt
- Markyboy
- Kipsy - just to up the average age of the group (though I'll skip if its teeming down again)
- dante
- ive2dogs
- Magpie00
- samS
- jaimes
- S/J
- Dangeruss
- juicebox
- (the apparently hasty) Khornight
- (the always right) Nick-Nack
- Mattty
- d14vd_h
- Johnny fitz
- (((toughknuckles)))
- Ronnald MacNastie
- T.O.M.B
- Heyholetsgo
- Charco
- Harry
- elguapo
- Jayloo
- Morgybaby
- lurker103
As worn by Yuri Gagarin.