But it's a shit media madeup word to describe the working class.
'Chav' has always, since way back been slang for a baby or a little kid, 'chavvy'
Chav is below working class. Too lazy to work. That's why they steal bikes. Eating up our taxes by being on the dole their entire lives, spawning dozens of babies whilst still being on the dole. Leeches.
Chav is such a shit word, what do you really mean?
http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=chav -
I seem to have anti-hayfever, I wake up in the mornings feeling really shitty but after a short ride (10 minutes or so) I am totally fine. Last summer I was a gardener and I was fine all day at work so I'm certain it's not hayfever. I'm pretty sure it is a dust allergy of some sort but I haven't really been able to find much information about preventing/reducing it.
I used to get this ALL THE TIME, and it was really the bane of my existence. The first doctor I saw gave me neoclarytin which I took for like a year and it didn't make any difference. Then I went back and another doctor gave me "Nasonex" spray which you shoot up your nose. Took that stuff for about 2 weeks and now I'm totally fine. I think I was allergic to pollutants from cars, because I when I went on holiday to the alps I was fine as well, even before taking the nasal spray. -
I am now officially skint since the student loans company want £700 worth of loan back from me. Next few months are going to be interesting. Busted Knee and Hayfever to add to the fun.
I think the profound words of the philosopher Eddy Merckx might help
"Ride lots"
Problem solved.
Government run advertising campaigns should show people wearing helmets, I wouldn't go to the length of complaining about it and doubt I would even notice if I saw a sign which showed otherwise though... I think wearing a helmet shouldn't be compulsory - if someone wants to put to put ***their ***comfort ahead of ***their ***safety that's fine with me.
I always wear a helmet though, and I'm glad I do because I would probably be dead otherwise. Was about 3am, January sometime... It was a fairly warm day for January, about 10 degrees. This was just a few days before all the snow. Suddenly while I was round my friends house it had dropped from about 10C in the afternoon to about -3C at 3am. This caused a very small amount of condensation on the ground, which froze.
I went round a corner REALLY wide so I didn't have to lean much and could keep pedalling and keep my speed up, probably around 20mph. WHOOSH, my bike fell at a right angle from underneath me, and I fell directly sideways onto the road. I hit the ground so hard that the other side of my neck than what hit the ground got sprained, my helmet got cracked straight through and if I had been knocked unconscious I would have been lying on the ground in -3C temperature with very little clothes on (cycling was keeping me warm). Noone would have found me until about 3 hours later.
"Normal Tube services are not expected to resume until Friday morning."
"London Underground workers to walk out on strike after talks break down"
Flashing at the top of the screen on BBC News website atm.
Unless thin people should get a tax rebate as they don't put as much of a strain on the NHS, and so should rich people, as they don't use the state school system, and people on benefits should be penalised when they finally get a job as they've had more than their fair share of tax-payer's spondulicks, and...oh, hang on, we appear to have stumbled in to a right-wing vortex....
Fat people can eat less and become less fat, solving the issue for free (and infact saving themselves food money), therefore they should have to pay for their strain on the NHS.On the other hand, rich people can still send their kids to state school if they want, and a lot of unemployed people cant help it (though I personally think more people were on the dole before the credit crunch than needed to be).
Also smokers and alcoholics pay for their bad habits. Obese people get away with it.
if we aren't good enough to drive do we get a tax reduction so we don't have to pay for the roads we're not allowed to use?
Obviously you wouldn't have a car so wouldn't have to pay road tax or fuel duty. On the other hand you would still be using the roads, by taking a taxi, bus, and buying stuff in the shops which is transported on the roads. Which brings me to the point of foreign vehicles which have even worse safety standards than us (particularly the vehicles, rather than the drivers). -
[quote=ta2]Might sound a bit draconian, but I believe anyone over the age of 70 should not be allowed to drive, at all. We, the taxpayers, should provide taxies instead. I also believe that cars should have trackers in them which automatically fine anyone who drives above the speed limit, repeatedly doesn't indicate when turning, etc.
That first bit I kind of agree on, personally I think people over a certain age should have to be retested every so often, the second bit I don't agree with, as with the speed limits people will assume that by obeying these tracking devices they are driving safely, which will not be the case.[/quote]Hmm, I guess you're right to be honest. Not that our opinions will have any effect on the actual laws - I'm sure they will remain as useless as they currently are, do you have any better suggestions?
I think that Oliver's main point is more - where do you end the discrimination once it starts? Who judges where the discrimination starts? Majority rules?
Thank goodness governments are run by postcode data...wait...nevermind...
The fact is that driving standards are set so low as to allow *anyone *to drive. It shouldn't be someone's right to drive on the road, it is a priveledge which should be taken away if they are a danger to other citizens. -
This is not true and is basically discrimination. Individual ability varies greatly across superficial criteria like this, and the determining factor should of course be ability. NB a huge number of collisions are caused by younger drivers. Would you want to discriminate against them, too, on the grounds of lack of experience?
Yes it is true, and yes it is discrimination, and yes it is legal to discriminate in this way.Old people DO have slow reaction times (and more accidents), on average
Men DO drive too fast (and more accidents), on average
Women DO have more accidents per mile, on average
Women DO have less fatal accidents per mile, on average
Young drivers DO have more accidents, on average
New drivers DO have more accidents, on average"White van man" etc
All of these are reflected in insurance premiums. Of course, they are only stereotypes/averages and do not reflect everyone, or even the majority of people. I was once a new and young driver, I didn't have any accidents, crashes, or insurance claims. Does that mean new and young drivers are all safe? Obviously no.
Whilst you may live in a fantasy world where everyone is equal, that is not the case. Having done data mining at university, I can tell you that even your postcode can affect your insurance premium.
Meh, I'm just speaking from experience here, it's by no means scientific or unbiased. It is simply the general experience I have had on the roads of Bournemouth from both a driver's and cyclist's perspective. Also there are a A LOT of old people round here.
I car shared with a girl where I used to work, until one day she thought it was alright to light a cigarette (0 hands on wheel) whilst driving at 80 mph in a 50mph zone. This is the type of behaviour I would normally expect from bad male drivers. Also, my mum is a much better driver than my dad.
I'm not trying to say this though....
Some people drive too fast.
Some people drive too hesitantly.
Some people drive with a mobile or cigarette in their hand.
Some people drive with the mistaken impression that it is the responsibility of a cyclist to wait until there is an opening in the traffic before turning right.
Some people don't signal.
Some people drive round blind corners.
Some people don't have good enough reaction speed to drive safely.etc... But they are all allowed to drive still.
Is that not what you're trying to say?
Yeah, changed my mind though, can't be arsed. Raw materials are about £300 only, plus about 100 hours of time.
Journalism fail though. The frame is only(!) £1625, not £2175, and obviously you can get a decent gruppo for like £400, so it's more like £2000. Still, I can't afford to buy one of these in any case. Here is the newest model, looks much more bling than that piece of shit.