its from here: http://www.hel-looks.com/
there's plenty to go around
to be fair, it's a Finnish fashion site. they get dressed in the dark for most of the year...
Seriously lovely photos on this thread:
http://forums.timezone.com/index.php?t=msg&th=1644171&#msg_567741455mm face? would look hilarious on my puny childlike wrist
saw some really nice one at the airport, annoyingly enough they won't let me test it out, bit pointless buying a headphone without even hearing it.
This seems to be the case with a lot of headphone sellers because of this country's obsession with health and safety - they don't seem to want people spreading their ear-cooties around or something.
Problem is that it makes it very difficult to part with your money to buy some noise cancelling headphones without hearing them first!
I ended up buying the Sony MDR NC60 back when they first came out... not bad for sound quality, but won't be as good as your grados...
Looks like it might be the one from the corner of Whiston Road/Kingsland Road?
http://www.google.com/maps?q=51.534119,-0.058113&num=1&t=h&sll=51.534552,-0.056203&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&ll=51.534595,-0.076788&spn=0.000583,0.001206&z=20Not so sure - I think that one is there for Ninian Donald:
something about awesomeness: