[Kind of on subject]
Emailed David (Velocio) about getting links to the different scenes around the UK - in the same way fixed gear sites are linked to on the main page.
With Manchester creating a site at the moment, Cambridge online, EBP have a site and Glasgow wanting to use theirs more.. what other scenes have forums/ websites?
Not heard back yet, but I reckon it would be a good way of helping the communities get players and for travelling players, and UK poloists alike, find where in the UK people play.
Is there anyone here with the privileges that can make this happen or is David the man to talk to? -
We do. Check this thread: http://edinburghbikepolo.com/forum/topic.php?id=3&page=27#post-1530
Our house is taken at New Years, otherwise I would have put you up. Will ask around the others.
There was chat of going away for Hogmanay, up north to a bothy in the Highlands. We should be about for the 29th though, not sure about the 1st. Ill keep ya posted. You'd be welcome to join us if you wanted.
Sounds like an ace trip man. Got a link to your band's tunes?
Thanks all that made this tournament and the National Series happen: it has been a fun year of polo and Cambridge was a fitting finale. Opening tournament to next years series? Throw ins Friday was great fun, sometimes a by-product of the tournament, but was great to get plenty court time mixing it up with others, like Hooks. Well done Hooks for the win, gutted we missed the finals. All that played polo on Saturday night are winners in my eyes, if only I could remember who you all were. Mop Polo was inspired, although I fear I didn't take it seriously enough... resorting to 'tap aff' top-rocking in from of the stereo after a messy wipe out. Great meeting so many brilliant people. Harvey, Peter, Ciaran, Tim, Neil and the man that gave me Carling on Saturday, to name a few - thanks gents, a pleasure.
Keep in touch:
facebook.com/edinburghbikepoloCya next year!
Hugs and fisting,
Dave x -
Dibs Santa Cruz screaming hand stussy please. I can PayPal pay if that suits ya? PM me your details.