I’ll see if I took a note of the serial number. I bought it off here as a powder coated single speed that cavendish cycles had converted previously. When we took it on a vintage bike run, someone who seemed to know what they were talking about thought it may have been custom made by Holdsworth because of it’s tiny size. Can’t wait to see what you do with yours. Lovely bike and a great find!
Right wing governments that have fed on populism and have tried to play down the effects of the virus outbreak are shown to be the charlatans that they actually are and that the ‘unfortunate’ casualty numbers are proof that they are wrong. Everyone votes for a more liberal leadership. This is a high price to pay.
Asgard shed in garden with four bikes and Bikmo insurance. GF is nice and I can keep commuter in hallway when it’s being used, I always make sure it’s clean and as out of the way as possible. I also built her up a really nice bike which she would be devastated to lose, so understands the security concerns. Two way street...
And...here it is, let me know on the slim chance you may see it please. Distinctive saddle angle!