I think that's been around since the internet was just pieces of cardboard with holes in that you posted to each other.
Great article, read a couple of others of his, good stuff, feel sleepy now, might have a lay down.
Glad you liked it. Most recent post on his blogspot (no idea why he maintains two nearly identical blogs, but whatever):
In other admin, I finally found out what the mysterious lfgss.com referrals were. London Fixed Gear and Single Speed, indeed. Maybe I should get a new haircut?
That's us told.
Sorry, but it reminded me of
YouTube- Justin Bieber Doesn't know what German Is..
We've all been there.
My flatmate, stoned, trying to rebuild the front of his written-off scooter in our living room, mixing fibreglass. It's a lovely day, go and do it outside you complete fucking cretin?
Yesterday he ruined the table (on the flat inventory), by taking off the truly horrible plastic tablecloth he and his girlfriend had bought and then spilling a whole bottle of superglue all over some fibreglass matting, which is now stuck fast in a big fucking mess.
UPDATE: Just braved the smell of epoxy to go and put my clothes in the machine. Now he's watching harcore pornography with his top off, as well as mixing chemicals with all the windows shut. What the fuck is wrong with some people?
Isn't it illegal to catch mice and then release them? Don't you have to destroy them 'cos they're vermin?
I once met a girl that caught them in her tenement in Edinburgh ("mice" is a standard topic of conversation at parties up there, on a par with "so... what are you studying?" and "cold weather we're having, isn't it?"). When I asked how she got rid of them outside of the three mile exclusion zone, she breezily said "Oh, that's easy. I just take them to lectures and I release them there."
When I asked her how she got them to lectures, she told me that she took them in her pocket, on the bus. Fair enough.
I know that this thread turned into "targeted dating", but this seemed like the best place to put this article about the possible arrest of CIA agents involved in an extraordinary rendition in Spain.
This bit interested me:
El-Masri’s CIA abductors entered Spanish territory using forged British passports, according to the prosecutors. They are seeking James Fairing, Jason Franklin, Michael Grady, Lyle Edgar Lumsen III, Eric Matthew Fain, Charles Goldman Bryson, Kirk James Bird, Walter Richard Greensbore, Patricia O’Riley, Jane Payne, James O’Hale, John Richard Deckard and Héctor Lorenzo, according to information provided by the Spanish Guardia Civil. The case is also under investigation in Germany.
How is this cool when the Americans do it, but not the Israelis? Because the Israelis used the identities of real British nationals? I'm confused.
I can put aside (if not understand) the wars New labour actioned, but the march of authoritarianism was simply too much, I was switched off from the New labour project long ago, long before protesters were beaten and corralled, long before email and telephone conversations and car journeys and tube journeys and walking down the street were legitimate targets for blanket surveillance.
I am no fan of the Conservatives, but good-fucking-bye to New Labour, glad to see the back of the fucking cunts.
I'm also really happy about this, though for me the wars were a much bigger deal.
Think you might be interested in this analysis of post-war political movements.
Modern Thinking: the Post-Liberal Consensus
This is the turd in the punchbowl; Thaksin Shinawatra and the Three Bs, Berlusconi, Blair, and Bush. A form of soft authoritarianism, keen on micro-intervention in social life and public-private blurring in economic life, with a bizarre delight in big events like the Olympics and the Champions’ League. Whereas the others talk left, or right, of where they govern, the Modern Thinkers govern to the right economically and to the left socially of where they campaign, which is straight down the middle.
They are the classic users of the postmodern politics package; which may explain why despite their constant promises of modernity and demands that we all keep up, they tend to struggle with big technical projects. Like old-fashioned junta technocrats, they often deny any political views or ideological claims, which should tell you plenty about their real mental history.
So to sum up:
Libs commit political suicide by going into coalition with a party that their voters don't like, without a guarantee of PR (except the House of Lords - not sure how that will work out). Labour's time in the wilderness made much more fun by watching the two other parties wield the axe on public services and bickering about everything else, all while receiving floods of traditional LD voters.
And Michael Gove becomes Home Secretary. Fuck.
It's basically ranking your choices, instead of just choosing one candidate. But in practice it's exactly the same as FPTP if one candidate gets a majority of 1st preference votes.
It is not proportional.
AV+ is more proportional, but it's a huge fudge, has never been used anywhere in the world, and produces two different types of MP.
Oh my Christ this is a stupid thread. I think the OP has actually had a really easy time of it.