There's a list of foreign frames on this forum, and you would have found it there.
I like their stuff.
that link there just leads back to the cicli website which tells me nothing really that groundbreaking. just looking for a bit of personal experiance, hence the thread.
The frame was twisted in an accident... so fair is fair: Van came across me, engaged my foot/pedal, I was moved forwards under the van and it squished the front fork and left the frame with a twisted footprint, wheels and pedals/cranks were fine and I reckon I've done worse to other frames with much less damage.
fair do's. you made it sound like it twisted out of poor quality build or you are he-man or somehting. hehe.
looks likes these frames may be style over substance at the moment then. look good but may be heavy etc.
i'm also gonna check out the keirin cafe in berlin as i beleive they sell frames also.
all food for throught.
for 530€ you can choose your own colour without any decals and if you want with drilling for the front. the frame is nice, but the tubing isn't it.
in what way?
surely if its good enough for these guys -
Famous name builders such as Bianchi, De Rosa, Ciocc, Pinarello and Colnago all specified the Columbus tubesets as part of their range.
i have tried to search the forum and found nothing on cicli berlinetta other than people saying to check the shop out if ever they are in berlin. well, i plan to be in about a little over a month and may buy one of there frames. just wondering if anyone on here owns one of their frames, what they think of them - build quality etc, after sales?
any advice would be welcomed?
is the one that has caught my eye in black with the straight forks.
try getting a tweed one out of here -
i have small tweed army style/art student number from here. its not too big but could carry the essentials, bought in the edinburgh store some time ago. they have some dapper stuff .
it is, thats wahts putting me off at the mo.