items for sale -
- black, 110mm, 25.4 clamp with 5 degree rise, 1 1/8, pretty much brand new. one small mark on the top of the stem. SOLD
- Large Red Rapha Fixed T shirt with olive pocket on the rear. unwanted birthday present a couple of years ago. worn once been in cupboard ever since. **SOLD **
EDIT: stem now and t shirt now sold.
- black, 110mm, 25.4 clamp with 5 degree rise, 1 1/8, pretty much brand new. one small mark on the top of the stem. SOLD
i sold my MTB on friday. guy turned up and looked a wee bit dodgy all ralphy and stone island gear but a nice enough guy. zoomed off on my bike for a wee test ride round the corner and outta sight but i was not worried as he left his 60 grand car with me the flash git so woulda just tanned that if he never came back. then he had the cheek to haggle on the price which recieved a stoney faced no. one of his tyres on his motor was worth more than the bike i was selling.
Thanks both of you....not conn artist though.
cardiff arms park then?
no worries :( let us know via www.glasgowfgss.com when you need a scottish venue.
AFAIK (as far as i ken), there's only handful of Edinburgh / Glasgow teams - both have said they sometimes struggle to get enough players along at the moment.
Has anyone figured out how to find polo on the Edinburgh fixed gear site? Could be part of the problem ...
you need to be signed in to access the polo bit.
The mean streets of Glasgow - climbing St. Vincent street.
A black Clio with silver 'tribal' style stickers on the sides and a stupidly big exhaust so keep an eye out!
will do, last thing i want is my bum felt aff some wee ned in glasgow. hope his wrist/hand is proper fucked today. bet he wont do that again in a hurry if it is.
I got 'happy slapped' (if that's what the kids are still calling it) yesterday.
A black renault clio overtook me really close, the passenger leaned out and slapped me on the arse.....there was an almighty crack and the car sped off.
I expect the noise was his hand/wrist breaking as the stupid fucker managed to hit my d-lock which was in my pocket.
Instant Karma. :)
down ayrshire way or up in the mean streets of glasgow?
bought mine direct from dolan through the italian solutions site. came with no rear brake braze on. if they have none in stock in your size they will custom make it. they had mine in stock and after a few calls back and forward it came in about 2 weeks. they also chucked in a new set of carbon alpina forks as i said the ones that come with it are stinking. pretty chuffed with it.
no, the LOOK has not been sold yet. no dents in the frame or damage to forks either.