My name is Kevin, I'm totally new to this site. I've been teaching English in Seoul for a little over two months now (got here in August). I'm originally from San Francisco. When I was in the States last year I rode, rode, rode my bike everyday! I want to continue to do so, and I'm currently hunting out spots to get single-speeds. I've seen some, they exist...
Anyway, if I can help you out in any way with adjustment, lemme know! Seoul can be a lot of fun. And if you find any sweet bike shops, definitely let me know ~ I miss the rides.
ps. you can rent shabby bikes all along the Han River, some places for free, and ride along. It's crowded on weekends but very fun, and my Korean friends love it! Good activity.
now if only you could get the candidate to ride that bike up to the podium for his inaugural address...