Opinion? I'm a bit reluctant as it doesn't say about a solid base and I remember seeing a similar bag for sale with a hole where the chain ring broke through the material, any thoughts?
Good advice this, I'm at Uni studying engineering and it pays to ask questions, be enthusiastic and generally don't be a know it all prick (there will be enough of them in your first year)
- alot
There are so many of them, and it's always the ones who know least are the most likely to shout their opinion (fact, in their minds) hopefully second year will get rid of most.
- alot
I'm flying off to Ireland for xmas and wanted to know if i'd be better off with a bag (this is the one i had in mind http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/Cycle/7/dhb_Marsden_Wheeled_Bike_Bag_And_Wheel_Bag_Set/5360034155/) or pack it with foam/bubble wrap and put it in a cardboard box, i'll be sending it by Royal Mail as the allowance on the flight is something ridiculous like 32kg including all my other baggage, whereas RM is £14 for 20kg.
Any thoughts appreciated (helpful thoughts especially) =P
ETA - If I went for the bag, would I have to put it in a box still, or just stick a label on it?
Have you considered dyeing
Subtle ;)
Reminds me of this http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2386/2478221586_87fae8ff5e.jpg
Ripped off The Blues Brothers, but still funny.
To be a belm is to be a general mong.
belm should never be takin' as an insult as it is a compliment if you happen to be inbreed, which lets face it is alot of people now a days.Fantastic, especially with the inbreed typo =P
Was a good night, bit of a crappy ride for me, puncture on the way there, had to un-feck-up my chain before leaving, lost the rear going round a corner on the way home, remaining clipped in and skidding across slippery tiles, fun =P that'll teach me for going early though, good chatting with everyone though, great night.
Haha thank you (i'm taking it as a compliment regardless of your intention) had a few history-studying friends say things along those lines, they got ignored though, on the basis that they were studying history.
No idea why people study history, there's no future in it...