I've just seen the BMX track in Brockwell park and remembered about a rusting old KHE Killer I have in my parent's garage.
I imagine that a lot of parts on it are broken and was wondering if anyone on here had any suitable components laying around that they wouldn't miss if given to a (quite) good cause?Cheers!
oh wow, yeah, big mint sauce fan when i was about 11. my mate had been bored on a train last year and working as a bike mechanic, he just bought the first cycling magazine to hand.. ended up being mbuk.. i couldn't believe joe burt is still doing it, amazing. love the bit in eternal reek of damp wool where he gets his bird/sheepess preggers from sitting on his saddle and another bit about shooting the clouds to make it rain.. straight nostalgia yo!
the girl near peckham i think (was too busy trying to calm my hangover to know where i was) at about 5pm today on a stealthy looking black fixed with black drops and neatly placed knog light, desperately trying to not be blown over when her a1-sized purchases from london graphics just wanted to be a boat's sail.
i love that bike so much but don't have 500quid, eugh