Central line is driven by software, not people, it's automatic, the driver is backup.
You should pay people like ME more.. and pray...
Victoria line has Automatic Train Operation (ATO) as well, has done since it opened in 1968.
Jubilee will have it in 2009 and Northern in 2011...
Regardless, drivers still have to know manual operation for every given set of cirumstances.
They are all on a final salary pension scheme. No private companies are doing those any more and those that have them are phasing them out.
But a lot of (probably most) public sector areas still have them. One of the benefits of working in the Public Sector. Comparing it to private companies is apples and oranges.
As for it being a 'fairly simple job', it's not. Really, it's not.
LUL / TfL staff have some of the best pay and conditions around, and a lot of this was because of work by the various unions.
The power of the threat of strike is enough, RMT's threats to strike resulted in a revised offer from LUL management, and RMT and LUL were in ACAS talks to come to an agreeement.
The RMT refused to suspend strike action whilst the ACAS talks went on, which is just pathetic.
I've no issue with unionisation and pushing for better benefits, but when demands are as unrealistic as the RMT's it's a different story.
We should set up an LFGSS pitstop at a set of lights and selected the most knackered bike+rider for an instant service at every light change..
Two guys with track pumps, and one person each to adjust saddle height/angle, relube, re-attach V-brake cables, tighten QRs, put helmet on right way round etc.
F1 style with a STOP/GO lollipop and flame retardent suits and helmets of course.
Maybe someone else force feeding them gatorade. Or hooking them up to a glucose drip.
Thanks to my wonderful bicycle I don't have to suffer the travel mayhem that the tube strike will undoubtedly be causing as I type, but I feel for those who are.
Whilst I am (just about) left of centre in my political views and think unions are generally I good idea, this lot don't seem to know the meaning of 'negotiate' and will down tools at the drop of a hat; it's on their terms or nothing.
I saw a report on the RMT's demands the other night which also showed what tube drivers get paid. It's already more than my psychologist girlfriend gets paid, more than I get paid as a fundraiser for a national charity, and they want a 5% pay rise and no threats of redundancies. We have lost staff through voluntary redundancy and pay rises have not matched inflation for two years but people still go to work because work needs to be done.
So fuck you, Bob - your lot ain't getting such a bad deal.
P.S. I am not having a moan cos they get paid more than me, by the way. I imagine it's a horrible, depressing job and I wouldn't want to do it.
Tube operators (and station staff) do get a pretty tidy salary, but it is a very technical job, with crappy shifts and huge safety responsibilities.
Teh 5% rise is taking the pee-pee, Guaranteed 1% then .5% above RPI is a great deal at the moment - sure, RPI is rubbish ATM but if it goes up then at least our salaries track with it.
What irks me the most is that the promise of no compulsory redundancies has already been made on the operational side of the business, but in the support offices there will be redundancies, and we are taking it on the chin - we know that fare revenues are down, the TfL budget has been cut massively etc. etc.
Isn't Aslef the train drivers union?
RMT is for all the other staff.
Most drivers are ASLEF or RMT
Station staff are RMT or TSSA.
Bob Crowe and RMT are cocks. Recently there has been an Operating Cost Review going on, which has led to re-organisation - LUL / TfL has a very robust Org. Change Process (OCP) that was fully agreed with the unions. RMT walked out of negotiations / consultations at a very early stage, in a hissy fit. They can't stop the OCP, so by walking out their members are now not being represented! Idiots.
A new offer was made to them yesterday, but the sticking point was 2 drivers that have been sacked - one because he opened the doors on the wrong side and then lied about in the investigation.
Right, I am doing this route fixed on Friday. Hundred miles to Stonehenge. Leaving at 9 hopefully getting there for about 5. If anyone has the day off and fancies it then they are more than welcome.
You got somewhere to stay down there on Friday night? I was looking at doing a similar route on Sat, leaving in the AM to get there for Saturday eve....
^^That's exactly why I tried it Dammit.
Maybe I was expecting too much after all the stories I hear about people being 'hooked' the first time they tried it. I felt hooked, but more like a fish than a junkie.
I guess this is one of those topics that comes up on here on the regular, thanks for humouring a relative n00b.
Ah, here we go.
The book says under RTF'sFF #27, that all threads on the benefits of riding fixed will lead to a) SS riders posting, justifying their choice of single speed due to commute/knees etc and b) Titanius Blackfoot posting that you should just ride what ever the fuck floats your boat.
Is that definitely the correct section? This isn't really a thread about the benefits of riding fixed. Almost the opposite. Although it's contents are roughly similar.
There won't be any gains made that couldn't have been through sensible negotiation. There never is.