- MA3K
- Shinscar
- gizmond
- gabes
- Slag
- robin
- Superprecise
- Kirth
- Broker
- dancing james
- Vinylvillain
- livingasleep
- PinkGottiMobbs
- Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
- Rik
- Peej
- Donut! (if I'm in the country)
- wools
- tika [i was cut]
- rocksteady [he was cut too]
- hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
- Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
- Somebody
- crabtree
- fresh
- Jesus
- Ved
- Dj
- shootthebreeze
- Crispin Glover
- Simon J
- pajamas
- skullbags
- Dropout
- yeh731
- Aleksi
- horatio
- lal
- teddy
- Sparky - 29th Nov would be a birthday ride!
- Pilky - Sparky snap :) 29th would be a birthday ride also.
- Fluff
- Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
- tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
- MaxW
- Will
- Hipster
- dandy horse
- usukmetendoller
- oh go on then - mashton
- 31t®um - hopefully it's raining, and am gonna stay right in front of mashton
- VeeVee
- Jaygee
- Caleb - I going to bring my little green house if it rains. And I glueing the chimney on proper this time.
- texas
58.fib and friend - STe5
- Spins
- mmccarthy (first ride, first post here actually =P)
- snowy_again - had too much fun at the last one not to do it again
- ondine
- P!MP
- BlueQuinn
- kisu_shimo (as long as I'm not in Germany! - fingers crossed)
- Harry (another new kid)
- Wibble (depending on whether or not I have rugby)
- Stompy (he he - I got 69)
- Gustav
- Eyebrows- Definitely there, but on which bike-fingers crossed......
- Ektachrome
- Stuan....First ride with you chaps....unless I'm playing rugby......
- Joelounge....... missed out on the last one in for this!!!!
- Punkpixel
- George Sportif
- Stix....(I might have been num 22 copy and paste confusion)
- MA3K
Leaving now. on the off chance you get this, blue hoodie, silverish panasonic with red rims.
Crap new I should have printed the directions .... so I kinda cycled around for about a good 45 mins I knew I was near but shit .
But think I may have seen you fly past the bus garage bit down the no entry was that you ??
Am thinking major land mark meeting point for next time !!
Shit I feel bad :( -
Ah back now and what fun we had. Fast times from everyone and a well deserved greasy fry up. Nice one to Mikec, I'll have you next time!
Bright times!
Hey made it back just !
Thank you for the encouraging shout out at the end had great time and even better no traffic to contend with !!
Nice to meet you all and may see some of you for the Bridges ride
Cheers ! -
Have a good one wrap up too !!
Hope to see you at the next one