Aye sounds cool, count me in...
- Pistanator (EFC)
- cliveo (CFC)
- villa-ru (AVFC)
- dicki (LFC)
- dovoneil (AFC)
6.PinkGottiMobbs (THFC) - Cornelius EderFoot (THFC)
- Spins (LFC)
- Aleksi (Dinamo Tbilisi)
- Jimmy Piercy (THFC)
- Slag (AFC)
- Soul (WBAFC)
- Middleofnowhere (AFC)
- mikec (LFC)
- peopleofearth (SCFC)
- Reginald (CFC)
- Stringerman (AFC)
- Billybob (AFC)
- Rob M (MUFC)
- Sammy (LUFC) as long as there is peace between leeds + millwall fans
- tika [ boca juniors ]
- Hellomiles (THFC, or maybe kazakhstan or some other weird one, most likely spurs)
- C2 (AFC)
- wools (Daggers or WHUFC)
- shootsontarget (THFC)
- Crispin 'Blue Square North' Glover (Redditch United FC)
- Marcus (EFC/KFC) work permitting!
- furious tiles (WHUFC)
- jonny (MUFC)
- marcom (as roma)
- alexnguyen (mufc)
- Radius (CFC)
- CheBeef (CFC) (KTBFFH)
- Iwelumo (WWFC/CFC)
- Big Red (celtic) will meet en route
- MetroCaMMell (ssc Napoli)
- Arvy (Amritsar Golden Temple FC - in reality THFC)
- Keepsake (MUFC)
- tuiloui (NZAW? see how it goes)
- Pistanator (EFC)
Yea I've got one of these, really like it. The toe overlap was a little daunting when I first got it, but it's super light and super stiff, great fun to ride. The only thing that gets my goat is the step from the head tube to the steerer tube, not the prettiest thing in the world.. but yea, I only ride mine on the road and it's great
Failnelli MASHed
The bars sweeping down like that makes it look a little sad "Why'd my owner make me so ugly... sob.." But at least the grips match the couch cover, win
Hey at least teh
True. On a note of pedantry, this, and especially '40% could be changed to non-car but this is more difficult and 20% need cars' reflects current journey patterns. If the need to travel is reduced further (as it can be), these numbers change even more in favour of the sustainable modes.
That's why the failure of regional and national government to aim economic and transport strategy emphatically at reducing the need to travel is even more galling.
Yea totally agree. I work in this area, and the 40:40:20 rule is presented as an unattainable ideal, not something that can be surpassed through more aggressive and optimistic policy... but there you go. I for one am all for a more pedal-powered transport system, but the right people need to be convinced that this is a good and possible idea
On a nerdy note, in transport circles there's a generally accepted rule of thumb called the 40:40:20 rule. It says that of current car journeys 40% could be easily and in many case immediatly transferred to non-car means (bus/train/walk/cycle), 40% could be changed to non-car but this is more difficult and the remaining 20% need cars.
Ya, 2p spent.
Is that one of those faired zipp cranksets? Funny they'd use them and not an aero frame..